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  • My boyfriend sent me a Shinx, but I know you can get Luxio in Friend Safaris. I think Superbird said they were in his o:
    Oh cool! :D That is a very good idea for a costume! XD I haven't gone trick or treating since I was your age :P Halloween is so fun! XD

    And aw! That's a cute dream! XD I have had so many dreams about my wedding with Jakey XD

    How are you? :)
    Your right, but my dad is weird and he has some weird system of going through my grades and he calculates the total number of points possible in the semester and then he calculates the points I got, and if I got within ten points of the possible points then he says it is a perfect score. If that makes sense :P It is weird.

    And not really XD Only two kids came to the door XD Did you?
    Oh no, it's fine! I saw the little message, when I'm on at a friend's or my sister's it does the same thing.I totally had a plan though xD
    Yes I dooo. I've been raising a bunch of Pokemon lately since I've finished it, and breeding until I get one I want. What's your team? o:
    I'm sure I'll get one :) Besides, I really need a phone. Just now, a BUNCH of drama stuff just happened with my mom that could have been avoided if I had a phone XP Whatevs! Happy Halloween by the way! And no :/ I honestly have NO time for a job, which sucks because I need money to buy groceries, help out my mom, and save up for living on my own :/ Oh well, I'll figure it out! :)
    Oh yay! :D That's fantabulous! I'm glad for you :) And it has been pretty good, my lowest grade right now is a 97%. But my dad said that if I have a 100% in each of my classes this semester, he will get me the new iPhone 5C, so I need to do better. My phone has been broken for weeks :P
    Oh don't worry about it :) I'm fine :)

    And I'm pretty good, except I have been sicky lately XP Oh well! And how are you? :)
    Yeah, I post from my phone most of the time. Hopefully I'll be getting my own within the next year (and wifi too) and be able to do fun stuffs.

    You have X/Y right? o:
    I would but I don't think my phone can get on it. I've tried it before but my phone is super crappy and they're cracking down on use of school computers. D:
    I sure am alive!

    It's okay!! That's too bad, though. :(

    ! You're dreaming about me? Not sure whether or not to be creeped out.
    Aw :( Is it just in math you aren't doing too well in?
    Because you were earlier in the game. Also, I once battled a friend of mine (I still had a Quilladin) and he only used two Pokémon. I was able to beat one because of Auron's Counter (his Talonflame, iirc), but he beat me with the other one.
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