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  • I forget how long ago you last posted so here goes some stuff and if you don't know wtf it is, tell me. So, Moriarty's little test is starting to wrap up, people are finding their little silver figures and bringing them to the oak tree specified. Serena's running around trying to finish, while Nick and Priam have fallen into a fight with quite a dangerous Hunter. At one point, Priscilla set a portion of the forest on fire, but don't worry, Moriarty dispatched a supernatural fire team, and it's all being contained with relative ease. Quitterie's Monobears are transmitting a song from somewhere else in the academy (some other students are singing) and generally being really obnoxious.

    I think that's about it.
    I do, yes. I haven't been posting a lot lately though >w>

    It also has a cape. Mine was named Royal after a character when I had it, I traded mine to someone before I restarted my game and I plan to get it back. They were also holding my Aggron for me. I just love it so much ahhh
    Everything's fun! I mean, I think I'm a little better with serious characters and "classical" musicals but everything is really great
    I think it fades away over time! Everyone's always a little nervous (especially if it's their first show, or their first time with a big part), but I've found that once the show starts it kinda fades away.
    It can be a little stressful, but it's a TON of fun!

    (The people make it fun; theatre people are a little ridiculous)
    I'm debating it, though I already pretty much have my team all together. I'll probably just do it with some random ones to get the hang of it.

    Yes, I'm pretty sure it is. Litleo was really cute and then it evolved and... not so much. One evolution that I really love is Pangoro, omg. It's just so lovable and deadly at the same time eeeee. So don't think of plastic, think of deadly murder panda that you can cuddle with!
    I've got Charmeleon and Ninetails hahahaha... not too bad. This is my second Ditto safari, maybe I should EV/IV breed.

    I love it in battle. It may be due to the fact I always used one in Platinum. Like always. I definitely don't like Pyroar all that much, especially with the whole normal/fire thing.
    Both! Here my school does two musicals and three straight plays per year.

    Plus all the student-directed stuff
    I don't know XP I don't know what I CAN do to get money right now :P Oh well, I'll figure it out.

    Anyways, how are you? :)
    Nope :/ And not really ads, but pretty much everyone knows that they can come to me for tutoring. I have had a couple people ask if I do tutoring, and I say yes, and they just say okay and walk off XP Maybe I'll just wait until winter break and get a part time job for the break.
    It has been okay, I decided I will tutor people for now, but not many people need/want a tutor. I have no time for getting a real job, though. Because I have school, homework, studying, and then I have to cook dinner for my family, and clean the whole house. Every day. So I have no time to do anything XP
    My day was okayish :P It has been sooo boring! How has yours been? :)
    No, not at all! You are an absolutely fantabulous friend :)

    And I just don't know what to do XP It is a mental hospital, so it isn't like an actual hospital. I would have my own room (that I would share with a roommate) and there would be a common area and a dining room and all that. :P I am leaning towards going, but I don't know :P
    Thank you :) And you are a great friend, you really are :)

    And not really :P I think Jakey wants me to the hospital, but I don't know. That place is so so depressing. I think it will help with gaining weight, but not with the cutting and depression and stuff :P
    I'm sorry :( But I really mean it this time, I won't. Okay? Don't be scared, okay? This will never ever happen ever again.

    And I hope it'll be over soon :P I'm sorry I get so... ugh sometimes :( I try to be happier, I really do. I don't want to be like this :(
    I'm sorry :( I won't ever try to ever again, I promise. I pinkie promise. I'm sorry :( Are you mad at me? :(

    And don't be sorry, I bring a lot of this stuff on to myself, anyways XD It's all good :) But thank you :)
    Maybe! :D That would be totally fantabulous! It would be, obviously, in a long time :P I already have a lot of it planned out XD

    And the hospital thing is part of it. I don't know why I have been so depressed all of a sudden :P It just came randomly. But I actually just got out of the hospital. I tried to kill myself a couple days ago, and I had to get surgery on my wrist because I cut open the ulnar artery :P But just being here for me is helping :)
    Probably in Missouri, where he lives. We already agreed that I am going to move up there someday :)

    And that's good :) I'm well, I have been kinda depressed lately, though :P Really depressed, actually. But oh well!
    Breeding xD Friend Safaris are your best bet. Also, yours is normal and you have Dittos in yours! (unless you already knew that)
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