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  • Yeah it kinda is. I'm trying to find some good moves for my Talonflame but I have no idea where Flamethrower is. Or an really good fire moves.

    From the move tutor or such? I don't think there's a TM for Signal Beam.
    Yes I believe so. My mom is being a grump about it and saying I might not get it even thouugh it's probably only five dollars a year

    Luxray can't learn Flame CHarge, you may be thinking of Wild Charge. But I just remember the useful ones I have, really.
    Oh XD That totally sucks XP My older sister loves The Lord of the Rings, but I don't understand how she got through them XD

    And same here XP Jakey had me read his favorite book, and it wasn't even 400 pages, but I just didn't have time and in a month I wasn't even done with it. But what I'm going to do is finish the book I am reading now, I am half-way through it, and then try reading Jakey's book from the beginning :P And I'm usually a fast reader, as well. I just wish I had more time to read! D:

    Anyways, how are you? :)
    Heh, I've never really been that big a fan of shiny pokémon. They've never been that valuable to me, so I've never really pursued them seriously.
    Well, I need some way to IV breed. And I got a Ditto with 31/31/31/28/--/31, so I'm very happy about that.
    I can't get into it either XD I have tried reading it so many times, I even own The Hobbit, but I can only get half-way through it before I get super duper bored XP

    And I meant that I haven't been reading much fantasy lately, even though I love fantasy.
    I only imagine the worst case scenarios for the future, as for the present I can be pretty positive. Didn't see this reply earlier, weird.
    You'd be surprised at how well things ARE going at times. I mean I guess it depends on how you look at it. As for school, meh.
    I used the main picture for the Pokemon's Bulbapedia page. They have transparent backgrounds. And then I resize them in Photoshop :P
    That's true :) It's just difficult XP

    And ooh! I have been really bad about reading fantasy and stuff lately XD I have never read the Eragon series, though, By the way, have you read The Lord of the Rings series? And ah that sucks, I'm sorry :(
    Eeeehhhhhh I don't think eating will ever be "normal" for me. In a few years, it will be less difficult, but I have had an eating disorder for around 5 years now, I don't think it will ever completely go away.

    And that's good! What is that series about? :o Just the name sounds fantasy or science fiction! And ooooh I read part of The Lord of the Flies and I couldn't finish it because it was so boring XD
    Oh! Well then do that so you won't be wasting your life! :D XD

    And I ended up eating a little. Gah eating is so stressful! D:

    And I have this huge list of books I want to read, most of them are Eating Disorder related, to help with my recovery :P Except, I am afraid that they will also be triggering XP Oh well! Have you read anything good lately?
    I'd call that real-world allusions, not in-game allusions. o_O

    And yes, that's exactly the kind of thing the in-game humor page is for.
    Ah, well that explains that, then. One mega per battle.

    I really liked Mega Ampharos! Plus it randomly gets dragon pulse, so that's great. And yes, it is fabulous. Although some of my favorites this Gen were Goodra and Aurorus
    My Pre-Calc grade is awful. Today we had a test, but I was so bored (since I knew nothing) that I created my own system of writing with numbers just so I wouldn't have a blank page. And aw, stress isn't good!
    Thanks! and I think I was given it by some guy in Azure Bay. I didn't know what my sixth member would be until very late, and then I remembered I had the Ampharosite, so I went back and caught a mareep.
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