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  • Thank you TT TT I'm sorry for causing you to worry; I'm sure I'll work everything out. BUt thank you!
    Pick a side and write an argumental essay...or whatever. Persuasive? Basically you pick a side and say why GMOs are good/bad not bad/good.

    I dunno, I'm taking Forensics, not Geology XD I wouldn't know :P In fact, the last time my science class involved Geology was back in 8th grade. And back then it was just "Science Class".

    I have no job either. Coming from a 16 year old versus a 13 year old, that is significantly worse XD Since I can actually get like jobs working places like McDonalds or whatever, and I don't. Partially due to the fact that I don't have so much as a driving permit...heh. Well.
    No I shall not. Except today, when I read a funny joke that I only understood after reading so much about GM crops. But it wasn't funny enough to be worth it.

    And oh? I thought that stuff was geology too XD

    And no sir, I plan on getting a 3DS for Christmas.
    May I also ask that you add my brother to your friend list?

    He's been dying for Ditto.

    His number is 3668-8676-5549
    Yeah I am sick of reading and writing about genetically modified crops. Because as you said, I don't care. It would be much easier to write about a subject I did care about.

    And earth science? Like geology, or different?
    Eh, I wouldn't be good at either form when it comes to genetically modified crops. Bleh.

    And yeah, a whole class. At my school was have (had?) a whole class for marine biology, too :P And no, it's just a science credit.
    Oh I'm excellent at English, but Advanced Composition is all about writing essays. I suck at writing essays. And Forensic Science is basically crime science...fingerprinting, ballistics, hair, blood splatter, etc.
    Okay, I can't stab that. LOOK AT HIIIIM :D :D :D :D :D :D

    Anyway, that's good. But no, it's Forensics and English. Major essay in Advanced Comp is coexisting with the major project in Forensics. Blah.
    Do you get on Facebook a lot? I've got the messaging app so I'd reply faster and such, and you're already on my Facebook. But that's only if it doesn't inconvenience you.
    Oh believe me, I have too. I was just... I was horrible when I first joined and could not RP for anything >w> granted that was back when I was kinda young but no still not good. Just give me a chance I'll say the wrong thing eventually I do my best to stay neutral on subjects before I know what others think so I don't offend them already. Also I hope all goes well with the grr thread post, and hopefully this lucky person isn't too far. Cuz I mean my boyfriend is in CA and that's kinda sad, but. It could still totally work though. And hey I know you don't know me really well but. If you want to talk we can because I'm a good listener. Or try to be.
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