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  • I haven't been doing so poorly, myself! Been spending break on tumblr and watching anime, life is pretty good.
    Well thank you! How are you doing, these days?
    ((I just noticed, your twitter and tumblr links don't work D:))
    TT TT You're way too nice OMG I'm not actually that pretty I just have a lot of practice with makeup D:
    Alright, you're in my friends list. Make sure you input my FC too.
    All of them. All the musicals.

    (though if you're exclusively watching movie versions don't watch Mamma Mia, that's not a good one.)
    Hello! x2

    Yeah, that'd be so nice. :) You've noticed awesomeazing updates, right?

    You know, my website almost accidentally got shut down. Haha.

    Oh, just ... opportune circumstances, I guess.
    Hey you!

    I guess this is kind of a one-off since it's not like I'll legitimately be able to get on. But.

    "I don't have many friends anymore, so you're kind of all I have left, haha." What is this?! It's just that one of your friends happens to be gone, thank you very much.

    I was never gone. I'm just way too lazy to post, heh heh.

    Thanks! So far, today's been a pretty good birthday. Definitely better than last year when my 3DS broke (it's still usable though!).

    I probably shouldn't have eaten my cookie cake on Friday, since I'm hungry for it now. ;^;
    Aaah I thought I replied to this already I'm sorry!! D:

    And I miss you toooo!! A lotlotlot! I'm sorry I can never get on the computer very often anymore :/ I feel bad, I'm sorry :( I'm supposed to get my sister's old iPhone in January, though! Which means we can email or text or kik or something! Yay! And I won't get in trouble, I am pretty cautious. I would probably go completely insane if I didn't sneak on the computer, since I love and need so many people online!! Like you and Jakey!

    So how have you been? :)
    Hello! I have very limited access (very veryveryvery VERY limited) to my computer, so I can't log on my email or on here very often right now. But I just wanted to tell you that I miss you a lot!!! Like, a lot! I'll try to sneak on the computer more often though, okay? :)
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