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  • Eloquent? Wow, that's definitely something I've never heard used to describe me before. XD I actually go through my message to make sure I've actually made sense because honestly I am incredibly bad at replying and I'm always afraid I'm going to offend someone with what I say and did I just go on a little rant there crap

    i feel like i'm really awkward when i talk to you and like no i don't mean to be awkward i'm just not sure what to say around new friends and bluhajsgsjaka
    Agh, I know D: I don't know if she forgot to or what, but sadness :c

    I'm breeding a Whirlipede I got with it's hidden ability. (Speed Boost) and raising a team at the same time. Currently I have two level 100's but whoo it's hard work.

    It's like really hard for me to explain, since I'm horrible at explaining things, but they're amazing and I could link you to the wiki o:
    Aw thank you :) It really means a lot to me, by the way :) Thank you :)

    And okay, thanks! I'll email you now :)
    Yes, same as the time I made that post about her being in really bad condition and stuff. She's not doing well last time I heard, but...I have hope.
    Thank you, for trying :) I understand how tough it is, though XP My parents are like that too, but I kinda deserve it XD

    And it's okay :) I don't want you to get in trouble! D: Anyways, Jakey and I email, my phone is still broken, so is it possible for us to email? And aww thank you :)
    It'd probably depend on what I want trained, though I'm just attempting EV training right now. Go search for a Pokemon you /really/ want and get like a level one and either breed for babies or use that one.

    Also have you ever read the Divergent books
    I know what you mean, but still, try not to let them upset you too much, okay? :) Because you really are really fantabulous :) I'm sure it isn't even true! :)

    And everything has been pretty good! Ish XD I have been pretty depressed lately, but there isn't anything I could do about that XD Jakey has been making me feel much better, though :) I don't know what I would do without him!
    You're supposed to make something up. The figures are in little black bags, and are hard to find. Easiest way to find them is to find the hunter guarding it. They stare directly at the hiding spot and don't move or speak until you grab it.
    Some people don't know that though. You don't know how often I'm asked about Pokemon in school xD

    Eh, more just for shiny hunting or for trying to get a Pokemon with a nature that's beneficial. I've been debating on breeding for moves but I've got Pokemon that Ive been wanting already, so.
    Sorry, please tell me how to sign up. And while you are at it, tell me how to go from an egg to a caterpie. And tell me how to RP.
    XD That IS weird! XD Tell me if it's good XD

    And noooo don't let your parents do that to you :( You are amazing, okay? Don't let anyone make you feel bad about yourself, because it just isn't true.

    And yeah :) I went back to the doctor today (my appointment yesterday got cancelled) and at first they thought it was serious, but now they think I'll be okay, as long as my symptoms don't return, and I have been feeling pretty okay today, so I think I'll be fine! :)
    Ender's Game is my favorite book of all time, and I have read it at least 15 times by now. That's an exaggeration, I think I've read it like 7 or 8 times, actually. But it's only been my favorite book since seventh grade, so.

    Alright, summary, I think I can do that pretty well. Okay so basically Earth is under threat by a race of insectoid aliens being called the Buggers (you find out in other books that the more official term they use is the Formics, but for the first book they never call them that). The Buggers have invaded twice, and last time they even scorched China. So humans, in preparation for a third invasion, are stepping it up a bit.
    The International Fleet is recruiting young geniuses to join the elite Battle School, a round, rotating space station used for training the best of the best. Time is running short and everyone's scared, but then the IF discovers a six-year-old Ender Wiggin, the smartest they've seen yet and as they think, perhaps their best bet at beating the Buggers. A lot of the book takes place in the Battle School (which sounds totally amazing, I wish it were real). Is that good enough? If you want I could go and pick up the book and type up the back cover for you. I have the entire series on my bookshelf.
    It's called Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card, it is science fiction. It is actually pretty good, considering I usually dislike science fiction. But Jakey has read it a cabillion times XD

    And what's wrong? D: I have been okayish, I'm pretty sick :P I went to the doctor yesterday about it, and I'm going again later today :P
    Wow I need to check stores more often.

    That's definitely depressing. I like teaching my Pokemon moves that others won't expect. Like my Aurorus knows Freeze-Dry and it's the best ice move out there. Super effective against water types? I say yes.
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