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  • Yikes indeed. I liked my professor but the material just would not stick.

    Sophomore year! So I'm fairly used to it by now.
    They were alright; could've been better (western civ killed me), could be worse.
    It's mostly theater related (a movement class, a theater history class and a play-reading class (oooooh)), with a dance class because why not (and it's SO FUN) and theology because apparently twelve and a half years of religion is not enough.

    it looks to be an exciting semester! especially if i get a callback or something...
    school is good! other than that whole "spontaneous class switching" thing of course, but I like all of my classes so far!
    Hey can you resend the last email you sent me? My email is being a little odd. Please? :)
    Awh, I'm sorry about that. But it's great the first week's over! I've been so out of it, and I finally got all my scheduling issues resolved yesterday.
    A lot of it is in French and Italian. But in seventh grade I sang a Czechoslovakian piece, which was really cool.
    Yes! There are classical choir composers? Isn't that how most classical music works?
    I have not received that email? My singing was actually a pretty casual thing until middle school when I started really reading music and I discovered classical music.
    Thank you! I've been singing since kindergarten and singing in choirs since third grade :3
    In the event that you see this message first, yes! M tumblr is definitely open. However, I don't have access at school, so you can always PM me or drop me an email. I also have KakaoTalk and Line.
    Girls, indeed. We already talked about IRC and stuff, but I do have a lot of stuff to do this month because investigation and theater club.
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