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  • Um, but it's exactly the same script?

    I guess. It's small if you don't want to be linked to! :p I made my buttons in MS Paint, by the way.

    Meh, I'm a sucker for the birds, but I could see the beasts working.
    I'm very inactive, if I ever come on it's just to browse or post something in the Laughing or Coughing cupboards. Thanks though.
    They won't kick me out but one of my former classmates failed that class and they took away all her scholarships. And financial aid.
    Academic! Technically I also have a theater scholarship, but due to weird shenanigans I don't actually get money for it. (something about sharing the money with people who need it)

    I dunno, man, I had a D halfway through Western Civ
    no no no it's okay i do that too Hopefully the next two years, so long as nothing weird happens like grade issues or losing my scholarship.
    I just... Know too many guys like him? To be honest, I do have a little of the "guys are all the same" mentality.
    It's good to know that people are interested in my fanfiction; so far, it hasn't gotten much attention on fanfiction.net, except for two reviews on the first chapter a year ago. It's only been up for one day here and already someone's given a long review for it, so I'm glad!

    I'll try to check out your writing at some point. I keep going on about how I want reviews but then I don't give reviews to any other fanfictions... not a good way to go about things.
    I'm good! Sorry for not replying sooner, I'm still not sure how everything works here. How are you?
    aiofhdsog you flatter me way too much

    as for the experience thing, go see if there's any community theaters putting on a show! go audition, get yourself a callback, get a lead, go go go!
    Anywhere I can get it! Regional theaters, Off-Broadway, tours, whatever!

    There are a lot of people who say my dream is unrealistic, because so many people go into the business and can't get stuff. And that makes me want to try harder, so I can show everyone "Hey, you thought I couldn't do it, and I did it."

    Screw "realistic", do what you want!
    I'm going for musical theater! Singing, dancing, acting, the whole package. I dunno how GOOD i'd be, but I'm gonna keep working at it.

    You've got time to figure out what you want to do! Take your time.
    Hey, don't worry about it. It's only fair, if I'm helping you! (Not that I was of much help to you, but.)
    Technically yes, through the magic of "being born five days before the school district cut-off." I just have a late birthday, that's all.
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