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  • Hey wow you're actually on.

    When I put up a new link item on my menu, I don't go back to all 40 pages and change it. I have a minimal PHP script (which is the only reason that my pages have the .php extension) that says "Hi pages, take this menu from this one file!"

    Makes it a lot easier! :3

    Yeah, no, buttons aren't a priority ever.
    Also, those are weird link button sizes. There's a standard to this, haha. Mine are 88x32, iirc.
    BE ON AGAIN >:(((

    Haha, it's up now, and I'm just going to give you a tip: for those directories eg Creative Directory, actually ... make a folder.

    Like psychicblaze.x10.mx/creative/art.php. Creative is a folder! And also your index page doesn't exist.
    I get really happy when I ask people how they are and they tell me that they're doing well. It just... Yes. Thank you.
    Well yes, but as far as English, I disagree. I'm a bit of a grammar freak, but I realise that it's not the most important thing I'll ever learn. However, good writing skills and the ability to analyse others' writing will take you far in life.
    Yes! Although I'm unclear whether I like it because I'm good at it, or I'm good at it because I like it.
    I suppose so. It kind of sucks for me since English is one of my favorite subjects. But one of our best departments is History, which is great!
    Well there's Lo, who seems cool because she has a purple streak in her hair but is actually kind of scary and has mental breakdowns and cries under her desk, and there's Heneres, the crazy cat lady. There's also Lamarre, who honestly doesn't give a shit. And Nichols is just... weird.
    Reeni's tablet runs the Cave very slowly, so she might get on a bit less. Also her phone is still broken, so she probably can't text you (we tried a texting app on her tablet, it didn't work past the first text, sadly). But I'm sure she will as soon as she gets a new phone :P
    English is the weakest department at my school, and half the teachers are batshit crazy :/
    Hey! Just out of curiosity, is the Pokemon Basalt and Granite project pretty much completely dead? No one's done anything on either the group or the wiki since May. It's fine if it is dead, though I'd prefer if it wasn't; I was just wondering. Thanks!
    Hey, I won't be able to get you the Pokemon you wanted. I accidentally shoved them into Wonder Trade, and since they were the only things keepimg me from restarting, I restarted.
    I go to a really academic school, so I have the same issue as a lot of my classmates, which is that I'm used to getting As pretty easily (at least in English and History) so I'm really horrible at studying. And then of course wth English, every teacher wants you to donit a certain way and I'm also terrible at adjusting my writing style.
    Wow! I got a surprising 91 on my English final and a perfect score on my History final. We didn't have a final in Biology but I ended up with a solid B. As for my other grades, I'm not really sure.
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