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  • I have a girl Pyroar and she's great, haha. She's literally my "big guns"

    "time to throw out the big guns." *tosses out a pyroar*
    I wasn't able to get it for a while, because college internet shenanigans.

    Besides, I'm running through with Kalos-only Pokes
    I KNOW! I haven't had to grind at all cause my pokemon have just been steadily growing.
    Not /that/ much. I hadn't really experimented much with Pokemon-Amie by the time I got rid of it.
    it's by real-world region! (bulbapedia confirms) idk where the weather people are getting THAT from.

    bulbapedia says 18, but doesn't actually give a list :/
    Oh well! You're close enough to six feet! Nobody in my family is that tall XD That I know of. We're all short XD

    And eh, I've heard that the WiiU isn't all that great. My step-sister has one at heer mom's house, and she said that it's cool, but not amazing or anything. And yeah, I was originally planning to move into my own apartment by February or so, but since I don't have a job, I don't think that'll happen. But I have an apartment picked out and stuff, now I just need the money. I'm thinking about tutoring people to get a bit of money for now. Because I don't have the time to get a real job, but I have to get money super quickly! But I don't know. And okey dokey! :)
    Meh. It's not a problem! I'd already abandoned the thing anyway -- even better to see it now have a nice new home!
    Yes, why? And I did so because, at the time, had no other internet access.
    Ahhh you're so tall! XD Holy guacamole! Jakey is like 6'1 and it is crazy how tall everyone is!! XD But don't worry about if you think you look fat or anything, because you aren't :)

    And that's good! I don't have a 3DS so I can't get it XP And I have no money. I REALLY need to get a job, because I have to save up for getting my own apartment, and I have to buy groceries and stuff for my mom and stuff XP
    XD You posted your reply on your own page XD

    Anyways, since I am so short (5'3") 90 is almost a healthy weight for me :P But I'll work hard to maintain that weight!

    And yay! That's good! Do you have the new Pokémon game?
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