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  • See, though, this is something i've argued about- the autotune sounding parts aren't autotune, but something called a vocoder, which makes a sort of robotic sound but doesn't correct pitch. So, the singing's all him, he just chose to distort it.
    *fist bump* So hopefully we can keep the replies coming for a while xD It's okay if you have to take some time to post of course. When Saturday rolls around I'm going to be in my own little Pokemon world
    I thought it was something like that. I tend to buy full albums rather than individual songs, so that's one of the ones I'm looking for.
    Older music is pretty cool. I'll listen to almost everything once, and Kansas is probably one of my favorite older bands (you can thank supernatural for that- Carry On Wayward Son is the best)

    As far as fun., they're great. I only have their newest album, though i'm looking for their older stuff.
    Yesssss :D

    Although my music tastes have evolved to include muse and a few others, but I still love those songs c:
    This year mine is basically fantasy justified via science fiction. It's a (hopefully) original outlook on a rather unoriginal idea.

    I'd be thrilled if you'd be willing to help edit it for me! also, if you actually want to read In Search of Peace, the novel I did in 2011, I can get that to you.
    They're entirely different subgenres. Basically, they do the exact same thing, justified using entirely different reasons. For fantasy, you justify it saying magic, while for sci-fi you say it's new technology.

    it makes sense in context. i promise.
    I'm not talking about Element -- that's fantasy, anything is allowed there -- I'm referring to my other novel, In Search of Peace, in which that's actually an issue.

    Though, in response to what you're talking about, I actually did plan that in this year. I have excuses for everything this year!
    I mean that it doesn't necessarily fit the parameters of the universe, despite the fact that it's science fiction. I don't like disobeying the universe, but I'm just not consistent with it, and even in Science Fiction that bothers me because it should still apply
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