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    Okay, great! I don't know when I'll be back on TCoDf but sadly it'll probably be rather late. But yeah, I should be done drawing mine by tonight, too.
    Mm... I think Mewtwo + Victini.

    I'll probably draw Mew + Victini since I already have the idea for the pose and expression, but.
    That Mewtwo + Victini thing was my first sprite! :P

    Hm... that sounds like it could work. Drawing a Mew + Victini thing sounds a bit too good to pass up, though. You could animate it and I could draw it, and we could see which one I think looks better...?

    Although if you don't want to put in that much effort without knowing if I'll use it, that's fine.
    Ah I see.
    I usually pick a theme for nicknaming Pokemon. Like in Crystal and Blue, I named my team after characters from Final Fantasy IX, in Leafgreen I named them after Zelda characters, in White 2 I used book characters names I liked, etc.
    Oh. Ew.

    Nah, I don't think I want to do that. I think it's my hatred of static sprites after seeing the B/W sprites, haha.
    I saw that. That was the Dragonite/Zangoose thing, right?

    I could draw a Mewtini!

    ...now I'll just procrastinate forever and ever on doing that Mewtini.

    Bah, I need to learn how to do that, eh...

    ...Pichu is like x10000 better.

    I should probably try drawing my avatar, huh. It might actually look okay.
    Less life stuff.

    Actually, no, more life stuff. I feel kind of guilty about getting online so much. I guess it's because I'm stressed. Or something.
    Plus, school. And other life stuff. So.
    Yep. Zangoose is predictable, I hadn't considered Gengar (that'll be in the future I bet) and there's a goldenquagsire so using Quagsire could get confusing.

    Well, yeah, like mine but quirky is always good! It's kinda out there, y'know? :D

    \o/ I wish it had a protective plastic cover thing, though.

    because i'm awesome of course Haha, I don't know... I just. drew it and took off with it. I've been drawing on paper but that Pikachu just trumped 99% of all my other stuff.
    Also this is what I drew with my tablet last night. (The tablet is already scratched...)

    heeeeeeeeeey. Mewtini will always hold a special place in my heart <3 It was my first username! I've been Mewtini, and then Indigo, and then Psychtini for like a month, and then Mewtini~

    But why. That Pikachu/Pichu short was awesome.

    This is the tablet I got.

    Except I actually got it on eBay.
    Butbutbutbutbut what happened to the M at the start of your username oahagh;rhjyu';rt D:

    Been good! Tablet = happy Mewtini.

    Also yes Pichu slapping its... bum. \o/
    Mohacastle mouse over My Backloggery and click options! At the bottom there's a thing for signatures.

    edit: oops you figured it out already.
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