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  • Yeah. It's just a different crowd!

    Hahah, do I? In the "post your voice" thread everyone said I sounded just like they imagined...
    I wouldn't; the people that hang out on IRC are all comfortable with each other, and are more apt to go "I know everybody, I'll post this nsfw thing here" and stuff. You can post pictures on IRC through links; the forum crowd is younger.

    The forums are not as weird/risque as IRC.
    :/ I would say you could check out Mibbit, which is an online IRC client thing, but clearly your parents are against it.

    ...Mine are too, I sneak on.

    Didn't you used to hop on IRC every once in a while? I'm always there, if you ever want to talk over there.
    ! Really?! I didn't know that. That said, it was probably before I left because the SZ hasn't been very active at all...

    Oh, you don't know how much I know about people by reading old threads. :p

    I don't know if it matters, but that Rotom in your SZ is actually illegal... they don't allow legendaries.

    Although no one checks the Safari Zone anyway, so...

    (Also thanks a lot for handing over some tablet advice! I appreciate it, Mohac!)
    Okay, Do you like Paranormal fiction? And if you like horror sometimes, I would recommend Delores Claiborne by Stephen King. It isn't THAT scary, but it is a chilling story. Except some kids aren't allowed to read Stephen King, so if you aren't allowed to then I can recommend many other horror books you may like.
    Oooh do you like horror stories? And would you classify yourself as a slow, average, or advanced reader?
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