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  • So I decided that the ZangooseDragonite fusion I made was kinda bad, and since no one's posted in the Basalt and Granite sprite thread since I posted and I had nothing to do, I made a new version, which you can find in the shop.
    No, you get the mask from the Happy Mask Shop in the Castle Town, as I said earlier.
    Or if you're talking about the guard, it's in Kakariko next to the archway leading to Death Mountain.
    No, I don't think we have! Sorry for the super late reply; lost my password and email confirmation didn't seem to be working.

    And yeah, I /love/ art. I unfortunately don't draw all the much anymore, but still enjoy it when I get the chance. Not much of a writer or reader, however. What about you?
    The guard tells you about the mask and so you probably should have thought "oh maybe i should get it for the guard"

    ~~~by the way now you have to dedicate every single squiggly line to me because I taught you about their awesomeness~~~
    Squiggly-line things are actually fun to use~

    I mean, c'mon~, they're squiggly~

    and zigzag-y~~~


    Okay, I'll go back to only using them sparingly~

    What do you mean? Have you given the guard that's guarding the way to Death Mountain the Keaton Mask yet?
    Meh, maaaaaybe Jolteon? Leafeon is fairly neutral to me, still.

    Sylveon is really different, I'll give you that!
    I wouldn't say masculine, per se... they all actually hit me as fairly neutral.

    (Except Glaceon and Espeon, which both have a slightly more feminine feel.)
    Oh! Also, you're one of the few people under 15 years old or so that didn't come in and type like "OMG lolz ur kidding rite?????"

    (Me included.)

    Also! Sylveon will probably have the same male/female ratio, just 'cause it'd be weird to alter the ratio when ALL the other Eeveelutions have the same ratio.
    Ah, that's true... Like many have said, I don't think that anyone here *hates* you, but they're just super opinionated, and, well, you might not have responded in the best way.

    x3 I am, actually, eleven! Well, I don't know, maybe it's just because I've been here a little longer? You're not that bad. :D
    hahaha I'm a stalkerrrrrr

    nah, it says so on your page and on the forum index

    You're welcome! (now I'll get irritated if you miss my birthday :D)
    Yes, it would be bumping. I've basically left that zone for dead, and it'd be pointless if you were to try and bump it.

    If I do, however, decide to revive it in the future, I'll be sure to tell you about it.
    One to three days, or whenever Squorn gets on. Just keep checking the first post of the Bank until your name shows up, and then make a post in the PC thread, and then throw money at everyone to get more pokemon.
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