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  • H
    Ahhh I love talking about books :) It's still interesting because every time I read it, I pick up on more details, and I notice little things that make it so much more spectacular! There is this one book that I own that I have read 28 times (I'm counting), and I still love it simply because it is just great! Every time I re-read a book, I still get engrossed in it as much as I did when I read it the first time. Ahh I just love books :)
    Well, I knew that you woke up early, but I thought you would sleep in a bit later on the weekends, until like 8 or 9 :P

    And I don't go to bookstores either very often either, I only go after I have checked out a book from the library and I want to own it so I can re-read it a zillion times, And I don't have as much time to go there as much anymore :( But oh well! XP I literally have 19 books that I need to buy, but the bookstore never seems to hold them :( Haha I actually bought the Best Book On Earth (AKA Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson) today, and I've already read it three times since I've gotten home. And I have read it twice when I had it checked out at the library. Is that weird? XP
    That's early! Especially for a Saturday! It is 4:00 AM here :P

    And you saw that? XD Yes, I LOVE bookstores! I was at Barnes and Noble for HOURS today! It was spectacular! :)
    Awwwww are you serious? Thank you! That makes me feel so warm and fuzzy and great inside! That just made my day, mister! I'm glad to be of help, then! :) You are very very helpful in my life as well! XP I think I would have gone crazy if I haven't spoken to you!
    "And Absol knew about my tilde spree so she does too~~~~~"

    that's absoul to you
    Music term meaning pretty much "two time signatures occurring simultaneously". The reason it is what it is is because of an old inside joke with me and a friend.
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