• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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  • Har har har, server's mean to me. :<

    I'm rather surprised I didn't see you! I was /around/ while you were here!

    I never made the connection till everyone went "wow, it sounds like martini!"

    I did make a Mew + Victini sprite. It's somewhere... dunno where.
    You are one of these random, new guys 'round TCoDf, right?

    Might as well get to know you, so...

    Hiya! I'm Mewtini; for some reason, when I first registered, everyone thought Mewtini sounded like martini, so to clarify, it's Mewtwo + Victini (you can see the sprite on my page.)

    [insert random awesome thing there]
    That's really weird. I wish texting worked!! And okay, I'm logged on my email and stuff :)
    I haven't received a single text from you for hours. Here, I just sent one.
    You did? And okay. I'll tell you when I receive the message.
    I texted you back... I said "Hello! Is this Mohac? :)"

    I have been waiting for you to text me back.
    You can text me now, whenever you want.
    I'm not much of a programmer or spriter, so you can cut me out of the physical making of the game. I'm good for ideas and beta testing.
    Thanks so much. And I'm trying to feel better, I'm trying to stay positive, but it's kind of hard sometimes.
    Hey, by the way, thank you so much for what you said in my "Series of Unfortunate Events" thread. You are so very nice, and I appreciate it :)
    the basalt/granite logo looks... jpeggy
    so have a thing
    I haven't been able to play many video games recently
    and I left the group (due to school work and other stuff I probably won't be able to help with B/G at all that much)
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