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  • Thanks for accepting the invite. :) Hopefully the LMA will be a successful project of mine.
    On an unrelated note, I'd love to see some evolutions for pokemon like Girafarig (after all, the even gens usually add a lot of evolutions to small lines) in Gen VI
    There aren't a lot of kitsune pokemon to begin with (Vulpix line and that's it) Besides, Fennekin is a fennec fox, not a kitsune.
    I don't like any of the Gen VI starters, but I'm going to end up using Froakie most likely.
    I'm pretty biased to the Water starters since that's the only starter type I pick. I've only picked a Grass or Fire one twice. (And I've played all the main gen games and replay them often so that's a lot of Water types.)
    I really should use it sometime. I always pick Totodile as my Gen II starter, and even if I didn't pick it I would most likely pick Cyndaquil.
    Also, I should just point out, that for most of human history, pink was associated with boys while blue was associated with girls. The point is, stereotypes are not something set in stone. They constantly change.
    It would be okay to say, for example, "Sylveon has stereotypically feminine qualities". "Sylveon must be a girl/female", however, is upsetting to a lot of members. Saying something like "No one likes male Gothitelle", however, is very upsetting, as there is a large trans* population on this board, and saying something like that makes it sound like you think trans people are inferior! When someone tells you not to say something, it's usually for a good reason. No one here really hates you, but if you continue to say things that hurt people, then they might harbor some resentment for that!
    And that's where you're wrong. Please don't make judgments about my life based on what I know. I reject the stereotype, I hate being associated with the 'girl' stereotype and that's why it really, really bothers me when something is called 'girly' since it's related to the stereotype!!!!!!!
    It makes me upset because I don't like the implication that just because a thing looks like what we typically consider "feminine" you have to call it "girly". Girls don't like pink things all the time. I don't like pink things almost ever. You're making assumptions that are really hurting me.
    Don't use the words "masculine/feminine" and "male/female" interchangeably. I get what you're trying to say, but you need to rather careful how you say it.
    You can't call an entire species "girly". Sylveon may have some feminine qualities, but you're just going to upset many members here if you make generalizations like that.
    Of course! :) I'm actually surprised at how everybody mentions how nice I am, because everyone else on here is just as nice, if not more! But yeah, I hope you feel better soon :)
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