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  • It's for the Elites. I can make another one for the Po6, but the one i'm doing now is for the Elites.
    Sure. And just so i don't screw up, who will all be in the picture? I have Mohac, Freya and Sabrina, but I don't know who else needs to be in the picture.

    (Also, make sure to add outlines to any trainer sprites you make - canon trainers all have outlines around every part of the trainer.)

    ETA: Will Ferritsa (from the "Pokédex Template" group discussion) evolve?
    I'm making a group picture of the characters in The Elites, could you give me a description of what Mohac looks like?
    I will when I get the chance. Anyway about the new pokes. The first nine are three cat Pokemon, each with two evolutions, like the starters. They are water, grass, and fire with secondary types of dark, psychic, and fighting, also like the starters. This results in a water/dark type tiger, a grass/psychic type Jaquar, and a fire/fighting hyena(which is more closely related to cats then dogs.
    My drawings sucks. I don't have a scanner either. I could try to do some sprites though(Just a rough draft) or something. Also I have 18 more pokes I haven't added yet(I want to talk to you about them first). This will put the dex at 110, which I think is a good limit.
    That works. A description works too, if it's specific enough. Also, I read the thread.
    - A level 89 at the start for the rival might be a bit overkill. If you want to show disaffection, keep it at level 5 or something. If you have to keep it level 89, take away Fissure, or the player won't be able to beat it even in the final battle.
    - All the canon regions have an O in their names. You might want to change Extrava's name if you care about that.
    - The game really isn't all that developed so far, from what I've seen; how many people are working on it besides you? Also, you said that the E4 and gym leaders were planned out already; what are they? You should probably post in the thread (either thread) a list of things you already have.

    I'd like to see a bit more of this game, basically.

    ETA: The rival's Pokemon could be kept level 89 quite easily - just remove Fissure if you ever want the player to beat it. (also maybe make it level 90 because)
    Okay. Um, I might not be able to sprite all of them, for obvious reasons, but I can definitely do some of them, so sure. Do you have a list of concepts?
    Maybe. I'm not that good at purely scratch-spriting (unless it's only a small part), but I can fuse Pokemon into what looks like a new Pokemon, and I might be able to. How many sprites do you need, and what kind?
    Want to go ahead and start or wait for some of the others to get online?
    Also I have a feeling this one is going to be a lot longer than the first one. The plotline I currently have in my head will probably take a while.
    Yeah. I will join. Hopefully, the server won't be too busy when I finish the signup form.
    eh, it's not really something big, it's just a whole bunch of little somethings.
    @ friend request: well it's not showing up :/

    @ elites: Nah, it's just life's pretty bad atm
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