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  • Zup? Well, PSA is the best rp I have played in a good while.

    So, how are you doing?
    I'm just going out on limb and tell you to use the RPG Maker solution: event links. I really don't know what's the problem if you can't do events in the engine you're using.
    I'm not actually familiar with either of them! They're free, so you can try both and uninstall one if you like the other better.

    I think they both look pretty versatile, if you look at all the different games that have been made with them. Stencyl seems to have a prettier and more intuitive interface, and have physics support and support for iOS games.

    GameEditor is cross-platform for a lot of things, which seems good. Here is a game in GameEditor that has a top-down map like in Pokemon, so you can already see that that can be a thing. What looks good to me about GameEditor is that it has a programming language that you can edit if you like; you can still do whatever you want through clicks, but you have the option to code. Stencyl has optional code, too, but it's based off of Scratch (a click and drag code), so that's not quite the same.

    If you're unable to try both, I think Stencyl would be a solid choice because it looks like it would be really easy to start using.

    (also, they both work on Mac OS, if you weren't sure)
    Currently, I'm not really a connoisseur of animation. Connoisseurs are harsh and jaded.

    It is interesting that, even though Eevee and the "Eeveelutions" are rabbits, Espeon looks feline.
    Just saying hi. I don't wanna be pushy or anything, but have you read my story? I really need someone to suggest a title. >.<
    ...actually, change of plans. See, my 3DS is not with me right now and I'd rather not delete my entire pal pad right now to trade with my other DS....sorry, but we'll have to do it another time.
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