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  • Uh. That's correct, technically, but you seem to be thinking of it in entirely the wrong way. There's a committee that has to approve any name before a person can be entered into the national registry with that name, which means yes, there is a list of approved names, but it's an open list - you can apply for any name you want to be approved, and it only won't be if it's deemed unduly embarrassing or grammatically nonsensical. And if you call your child by some other name than they're officially registered with, then obviously official records will say their name is the official name, just as would happen with a nickname - but "some people will refuse to refer to him as his name" makes it sound like a bunch of regular people in the street are just mortally offended by anyone not named one of the Official Names, which is not the case.
    Yes. I might have to battle surskitty shortly, so I wouldn't have been able to trade anyway.
    I'm thinking of the American Revolution. That whole bit is effing FULL of emotion.
    Americans are so conceited we say "the Revolutionary War" and assume that everyone knows we're talking about the American one
    those three words don't belong in the same sentence D:

    ....I don't remember that. I do remember the strip where France tricks England into getting stuck in a trash can.
    I'm not sure, maybe she won't evolve at all. I was thinking that maybe later on, but then again Haunter evolves via trade.
    So that's that, I suppose. Shame, because it was a good RP. Maybe I can revive it later.
    Oh yeah, what are we going to do in the RP once Cyrus and Danielle are defeated?
    is Mohac fighting Cyrus in Mohac's vision or the real world? (like where Sabrina and Freya are)
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