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  • I'm talking about Hetalia, which in case you haven't heard of it, is a webcomic/manga/anime about personified countries.
    And I ship America and England.
    So, naturally... the Revolutionary War gives me feels.
    Yup. I exist. Just been busy with Christmas and school and stuff. I hope to resume regular posting in the next 5-10 minutes.
    Yeah, i guess you can end it. (NightGhost) Keldeo is being sent into the vision, though.
    I am probably just going to drop out of the roleplay. I am completely lost in it. Maybe I could wait for a jump in, but I will be dropped out until then.
    It's absolutely positioned at a negative offset from the corner of the box. You can view the source to see how it's done.
    Ohhh. I read the thing about catching up with Jayden as, "Code turned around and said, "Hey guys, what'd I miss?" Alrighty, you're good.
    1. Code is informed by Fennel that stuff has happened.
    2. Code leaves house in pursuit of Jayden's group.
    3. Code asks Jayden what happened.
    It cycles? What's the coding for that, me like?

    And it was OW or DW or something of the like. I have no clue.
    Which banner did you see in my sig? It cycles through about 6 and I was curious as to which one you saw.
    Crud. It was Christmas Vacation when the rp started. Is there any way for me to catch up?
    Umm, I was looking at your conversation with Butterfree (Sorry...), and the little plus sign means that you have that user as a friend. I hope you don't mind that I was looking at your conversation... I just noticed your question on her page.
    Probably moderator or something like that, although I'm not confident of what you're talking about.
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