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  • I don't read too many manga given that it would get expensive pretty fast to get each chapter as they come out. I don't know if there's any legal places to read them online for free, but to be honest I don't really like reading books or comics off of a screen.
    It as quite good! I heard it was popular so when I found out it was available to stream for free and legally (that's very rare in most countries that aren't America, especially for shows that are good (and that even includes non-free services like Netflix)) I gave it a go.
    Is your avatar from Attack on Titan? I ask because I just recently watched that so now I recognise it :P
    ...which brings up a philosophical argument. If the Random Number God is real, He is definitely the god of the universe, which would make Him the same person as the respective gods in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, etc. (the most-worshipped god in the world, even if you don't argue that gods of other religions are not just different reflections and aspects of Him). And after learning a smidgeon about the principles of quantum physics (basically, at the smallest possible level, the universe is built upon probability and randomness), I can totally get behind that viewpoint.

    And seriously, what else better can I do with my money when I don't need any of it, short of just giving it away to the poor, which presents logistical problems and image issues. So, at the very least, there are no negative consequences, and hey, on the off chance He is real, then maybe I'll get something out of it.
    He is! Yet another reason I'm excited to finally get the Wii U. I'm only about $50 away. Do you have any amiibos?

    That's what I thought. In Unbreakable, there's a bit of Dawson casting (according to tvtropes, it's when they cast someone as a character younger than they are), so I was fully expecting her to be older. On top of that she's 5'3, so she's also much smaller than I expected.
    what else do I do with my money? I have like $130 just sitting there, and all my pokémon already have items and I don't want any more pokémon for now. And why not tithe to the RNG? It could very much help me win battles.
    It's a show. I still don't have a Wii U, so no training yet. And I think so? But she's 15, so I wouldn't call her a woman.
    Yes, I noticed. Don't worry about it.

    Things are going much better. Another recent outcropping of couples had me down, but I've desensitized myself to a point. I've started and finished Unbrekable (highly recommend it) and yesterday I got my hands on a Mega Man amiibo. I've also a new celebrity crush, Kiernan Shipka.
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