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  • No problem! You're welcome.

    Oh! I noticed I never answered your previous message. Sorry about that! He didn't propose. I kind of did in a weird way that ended up with us mutually agreeing that it should be a thing at some point. Nothing super romantic. (In regards to my fiance and I being a thing)
    i'm just ignoring him for the time being and if he gets pushy i'm gonna call him out
    i dunno, i'm just scared

    he's effectively harmless cause 90% of my grade hates him i don't even know why i'm scared
    The following has waned as the schoolwork has gotten more intense, but I still read the newspaper for the standings.

    And happy birthday! Have an amazing time today!! :3

    edit: now I can get event mons! thanks!
    i dunno man! he just can't handle sitting on the floor or something. he bitches if i kick him out, or if he gets up and i go to sit on my OWN BED, or whatever.

    and i did before and she just kept telling me to until another friend yelled at her to stop
    it's tough because a) he's always in my room ON MY STUFF and b) my roomie's gonna try to mediate by which i mean she's gonna bug me to reconcile right away and reconciliation will do jack shit
    yes, basically. and i'm tired of how he talks shit behind everyone's back and acts like he's still friends with them

    at the time he didn't KNOW i was bi but it's still super shitty and explains a lot about why he reacted the way he did

    Actually you know what I'll cancel my latest challenge and take your ref test! Battling is fun!! (Unless someone wants to take that.)
    That's good to hear!

    Well, I read a study that showed giving gifts improves everyone's moods, which is never really a bad thing. Also, you're my friend, I consider you a friend, we're "friends" according to vBulletin since... 2012ish? So. ^_^ Also: Which Gourgeist size do you like best? I was planning to get you a Pumpkaboo so it could auto-evolve once I gifted it to you, unless they revamp trade evolutions.
    Happy birthday! I hope you have a great day!

    (Sorry for being anime-style broke today-I'll try to get you a gift soon!)
    He's still being an asshole to my one friend's boyfriend and he stopped trying to change

    and also apparently he was still super-biphobic as recently as right before i came out instead of just freshman year and that hurts because the main reason i decided i could trust him again last year was because i thought he didn't think that way anymore
    I think it did. It was about Jackie Robinson, and since I'm very good at baseball history and history in general, I'm happy with it. As I said, I had an outline, so all I had to do was put pretty words between each point.

    please, elaborate
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