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  • yeah! he was in Arsenic and Old Lace my freshman year and did Music Man in April!
    he came up for homecoming and for one show, but he makes a point of having dinner/lunch with me and another friend!
    He graduated last year! So he's been up like twice but he's actually doing outside things now, haha
    oh my GOD

    maaaaybe? i'm so bad at reading people

    i THINK he's coming up again this coming week or the next to see our next show so MAYBE something will happen, i dunno
    hahaha yeaaaah

    going back to the crush point appARENTLY a friend from home had similar things happen to her and the guy actually DOES like her so there's that i guess
    This year I'm in algebra 2, Chinese, weight training, AP world history, English, advanced choir, and chemistry! What about you?
    I'm doing pretty well! School's been a bit stressful, but I'm getting back on top of things, finally
    um ... I think most of them permit that? not sure whether they distinguish bots from, like, general clients, but most of them on that list at least specify irc access.
    Snacktime, mostly. Lunch isn't nearly enough time, but we can still play. Greninja's pretty fun, but it's not one of my mains.

    Damn, I wish I could do that. I can't even babysit. Most of the people in my urbanization are older than my parents, with college-age-plus children.

    That's bullshit. Five-point exercises? Making you run? C'mon.

    Heartbleed? What's that about?

    I had barely anything this week and almost nothing next week, after a stupidly intense past week. All I have is a stupid chem lab plus pre ab due next week. Also, PSAT is next Wednesday.
    It's amazing. Considering I play it at school almost everyday, it's even more awesome. Can't believe it's been a week since I got it.

    What's that work you're doing? I wish I could do something besides wash cars. It's literally the only thing I could do.

    I did get one in 8th, but it was on a work thing I forgot to complete. This one is my first real, solid F. It's because it was a reading comprehension test and I don't obsessively study books because they're for having fun, not for cramming every single detail into your skull. The highest grade was a B, anyways.

    A run? as in a paper run?
    The question means what up bro
    i'm sorry i'm ignoring you

    i've not been paying attention to anything but smash and school so
    I never really noticed you ignoring me

    Things are good
    I got my first F on an exam
    but I really don't give a shit (after talking with my now-junior friends last year, I was instilled a pretty good sense of 'you're fucked in english')
    cus I can still wrench an A from that particular class, depending how well I do everything else
    funny that I have a C in one of my favorite classes and A's in classes I hate
    sorry for these stilted sentnences I'm supposed to be working atm

    why were you grounded and what is above you sibling
    um it's very budget-dependent. well, there's this list, I guess. I've gone through it before; you'd probably have to do a bit of experimenting, they're largely not very good ... the typical problems with free services, you know, the more involved the fewer providers, and it's hard to get substantially more than you pay for. I've used the first two on that list, they've moved up since I last went through that list, they were okay. idk enough to make recommendations though.

    I mean, I'm currently I'm on a $5/mo vpn which is "within acceptable limits" and satisfies what I want at the moment, but.
    He just said "you look nice" and when i first saw it i started laughing because every other comment has like twenty thousand exclamation points haha

    he came up to see a show yesterday and i was so surprised that i wound up not doing anything about the whole make-it-obvious(er) thing

    (apparently i'm only obvious when i don't try.)
    it was my senior photo so it looked really nice and literally any time it crosses people's facebook feeds i get never ending notifications from people shouting about how pretty i looked

    and maybe!
    ...you know the funny thing is a few hours after i sent that he did like an old thing

    that i swore he'd liked before but w/e

    (also he started commentpocalypse off an old profile pic so?????)
    nah but like a lot of things i post

    i mean i'm glad somebody appreciates my sense of humor

    (also the last time i changed my profile picture he liked it within two seconds and that was very definitely the only like for at LEAST an hour. i don't know what's happening)
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