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  • Nah you don't seem so loud to me :P And awesome! I wanna be a writer too :)

    And yeah, if my terrible memory serves me correctly I do know where you stand. DOesn't change my fatness :P
    Your vocabulary is a lot more precise and robust that a lot of people I know :P

    Hmm . .. nope, still fat :P But yeah, I get told that a lot.
    That thing where your parents do some really strict big brother thing on your computer
    Quadrante or Custodial or something
    Perhaps., but you're still much more reasonable and articulate then most teens lol

    I'm still soooooo faaaaaaaaaaat, but you're kind of right I suppose
    Huh? Nothing at all, it;s just most teenagers aren't as mature as you :P

    Bah! I will never cease to insult myself! I'm not preeeetttyyy!
    Oh. Hey, is that Quadrante thing still up?

    :( Remember, here for you for anything you need, be it emotional, scholarly or otherwise.
    Hmmm, I'd say wait until you're alittle older. Therapy at 14 is kind of a hit and miss thing, but it most certainly helps when your older.

    As if :P
    You already need a therapist's note already to get most of them:P Especially at your age.

    I dooooooo? :)
    Right lol. I dislike it but whatever :P

    And that's like one person in every hundred thousand; that's like literally worst case scenario. But they might make you feel a little more suicidal which is a somewhat common side effect. And if that happen, then switch as fast as possible :P

    Oh, and mind if I share a new photo with you? :3
    I only get emotionless after like weeks of build up with emotions. I break down, and then start my cycle anew. For the first week of that I basically act like Rei :P

    And you won't get that bad with medication :P And I suppose that's a good way of putting it lol
    I guess it's kind oif cool lol, but when the emotions just pile up to the point where you can't even function it suucks. And I'm used to headaches. They beat not functioning anytime in my opinion.

    Anti anxiety meds are weird in the sense that most of them have super similar side effects for most people, soooo yeah, it's all about finding the one that best suits you :P
    I do, and it's soooo bloody annoying lol. It used to be impossible for me to focus because I'd just be having crazy mood swings, but now it's a lot better. I mean, I do get headaches a lot as a side effect but it most certainly is worth it.

    It's not a whole lot of gain really, but it also made me stupidly tired too. And I wish lol, but really you just have to keep experimenting until you find the right drug.
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