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  • you know how you and a few other people said i was irl roxy lalonde well apparently you were right

    you have no idea how much effort it took to type that sentence
    I literally had to re learn it in the spam of a week lol

    I;m 5'10.

    I'm okay. KInd of depressed.
    Highly! It's relatively short; if you get the book, it's 195 pages, 15 chapters.

    It's quest based. Mostly running around, fighting cogs, fighting cog buildings, giving gags to certain NPCs.
    YEah lol. I remember when I couldn;t even walk :P

    As iffff. My waistline is 21 inches :P It's tooo much
    I stayed at my grandparent's house the whole day. I finished my English novel, "Swallows of Kabul", which was really good. I also made amazing progress in Toontown. All in all, it was a good day.
    Lol. I actually lost a lot of motor skills :P

    Baaaaah, regardless, I'm still the fat one :P
    I do it a ton actually :P I used to do like a page a day until recently :)

    Bah, mah opinion of me being fat is still valid.
    It is, and the coming weeks will be hell itself, but I'll manage. I'll be wildly irresponsible with most of the things, but I'll manage.
    I had Origin because of free Sims, but each individual game takes up a lot of space, so I deleted it.

    I /could/ reinstall it, but then I'd get even more distracted. I have an essay due soon enough for MUN.
    It can't be that lame. I mean, Toontown had its fair share of asses of the jack and dumb variety, but all MMORPGs have them. It can't possibly be lame if two separate groups of people are trying to resuscitate it. The bad thing about these, though, is that 1) there's lots of bugs and glitches, since it's a beta, and 2) most of the people who play it are concentrated at either end of the experience spectrum, either really advanced or at the beginning, with very few spread out in the middle.
    Yeah, kind of. I played it as well. I follow this guy on youtube called Coach Zucchini; there, I found out about two different revival projects. The one that I play is called Toontown Infinite, the other Toontown Rewritten. Turns out, they closed down the main servers for Toontown closed down over a year ago. It's great stress relief; I can help you through the early stages.
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