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  • Yeah lol. I mean, I do have stomach problems for anxiety, but like, I'll endure lol.

    Ehh . . . if you say so. And yeah it is lol
    I mean, it burns a little, but overall I just don't mind it.

    Eh, I guess, but I'm gonna get faaaaaat. Or well, fatter than I am already but still. And I don't wanna eat all the timeeeeeee.
    It probably is weird lol

    And I know :/ I weighed less than I thought. I could barely manage like 300 calories a day for the past two weeks, so yeahh.
    Yeah lol.

    Throwing up doesn't really bug me. I mean, I'm not bullimic btw, but it just doesn't affect me really

    Oh, and if you're worried about me, I'm on a meal plan again. FML.
    So headcannons, huh? :P

    Ahh, good luck lol. And not really. I mean, obviously I can tell when someone is giving me a shot, but I don't really notcie the pain anymore. It's like me and throwing up; it doesn't even phaze me anymore.
    Whatever you want lol. I don't mind.

    I know the feeling lol. I just lost that sensation whenever I get one now. I did just have like a bajillion after all.
    You can call me Cecilia or Morgan btw, I don't mind either :P

    Eh, I don't really care lol
    a little I guess? I've never been sea-sick but in my case it was being really wobbly but not being nauseous, just shittily-balanced

    that is a very good way to put it yes
    Hah, it's okay, I'm never gonna stop being fat anyway, so it's alright :p

    Hmm, I see. And I don't really mind shots anyway. I got a ton of them over this summer ;p
    Well, good! I love the water anyway, even if Im too fat for a swimsuit or something.

    Ahh, I had no clue that was a thing lol. And like I said, still undecided, but thanks for that lol :)
    Water won't fix my fatness lol

    I see lol. Well, it's like, I'm trying not so see it as a win win situation of that's true. And I don't know if any of that is true
    Well, Im still fat, so there.

    I thought tubercliosis was caused by a virus. And I'm still unsure if I care or not.
    My evidence? I just had two full oreoes. Sooooooo faaaaaat.

    True, true. Honestly even if they hurt me I don't really care. I mean, obviously I'll stop using them if they do, but I'm willing to try anything lol
    Idea? It's an unarguable fact lol.

    I am too, but honestly I've suffered from them for so long that I really don't care.
    Stubborn about what? Facts that I'm fat?

    Hmm, I won't be suffering from them for long I hope. I'm gonna start more medication to help curb them.
    I'm wrong in eevry sense expect for the fact that I'm fat.

    Hm . . nah, it's just nightmares XD
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