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  • Basically, Layla has powersaw/chainsawkind, so she's gonna be slicing things up like a samurai in a cheese forest. The spirte is gonna kinda bully Landon with Layla.

    Ok, in Foster's, there's this one episode where Coco makes baseball cards for everyone, except Bloo (because he was a dick about something). The cards become a hit, and Bloo gets really pissed so he collects all of them to show he's over it. It's one of the most iconic Foster's episodes.
    I loooove them :)

    Alot, because I am a whale, and a whale needs water to survive.

    Well, yes, but it's like the middle of the day lol.
    But dresses are super comfortable so long as they aren't too tight.

    Yes yes yeeeees :P Still super faaaaaat.

    Lol, I can sleep later.
    But that's the best part! Kidding lol, but most dresses are long enough to cover that.

    Of course it's unarguable. It's an undeniable fact lol.

    Yeah, no kidding :) I can;t wait to sleep actually lol
    Lol, I on;y have a few, and I love them.

    Well, I'm not the one denying. And it doesn't matter if either of us deny it or not, I'm still fat. THat's kind of unarguable.

    Fuck those dreams lol. Honestly, I'll take nothingness over them anyday.
    I like white too. Most of my dresses are white or yellow lol.

    It doesn't matter if you deny it or not. I'm still fat.

    Yeah, no kidding :) Now maybe I can actually sleep like a normal human instead of staying up for like five days in a row lol.
    What I meant by chainsaw character is that Landon's sister uses chainsaws. Their sprite can be a chainsaw either way.

    oh my god
    by obligation you have to at least have one time in the entire RP where everyone gets a card except a random rng'd character
    I know, but yellow is my favourite colour :P

    Ah, I se. I don't really pay attention to what brands I drink lol.

    I'm not wrong, I'm still as large as a whale :P So thanks for the water I guess :P
    I'll live with that lol. But only if I'm the yellow ranger.

    I'm the same lol. Loved bottled water/

    It's not an alternitive if it's true. Me being fat is a fact, my opinion of it is irrelevant
    Then I wouldn't have kickass chainsaw character. :(

    They're gonna share the jailer modus. Basically, one places an item in the sylladex. Once the sylladex is filled, each item placed after that is a 'prisoner' and placed behind one of the original items. You must use the jailer item before using the prisoner.
    Lol, can't wait.

    Ah, that sucks. I just drink a lot of bottled water lol.

    Hmm, I dunno. It still makes perfect sense to me. I can't really see another alternitive.
    Huh . . .I guess I am used to everything :p And I dunno, I sort of don't have a robot suit.

    Likewise lol. I drink a ton of water myself.

    Hmm, it makes sense to me, and of course I am!
    I'm kind of used to them by now lol.

    And sounds about right lol. It' s awkward, because my friends keep asking me like "you sure you don't want anything?"

    It's not so bad. I keep getting sick every other day anyway :P (probably from all that fat)
    I'm like that to ontop of just being shy and stomach pains.

    It is lol? And yeah, I hate resturants too. I never order anything lol.
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