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  • Kind of? I was looking forward to Biology but we don't get to the actual lab stuff until springish.

    Nice new username.
    excuse me I am looking for Majorohac-Graveyardor Nova
    who is this 'dazel' person

    Anyways, what's up? It seems we are much more disconnected this year.
    Nope, not at all. Just let me know when you get the DS up and I should be on within 15-20 minutes afterward.
    Oh, I see. Struggling with school, huh?

    I'm doing okay. Still a little depressed, but eh, nothing unusual.
    Nah. It won't be big. It's just we can't afford very much of anything right now and that sort of thing takes some moneys to organize.
    Looks like I will be able to connect to the Wi-Fi. I'll make a point to try and connect sometime around 4 today, if that works.
    I don't think there's a single person who's played Mario Kart DS who doesn't use Dry Bones :P

    I love pointing out that Rosalina might not actually be a princess. Yeah she wears a crown but the only place she's ever had that title was in a prima guide which I'm pretty sure is non-canon.
    I submitted a request to the school to register my 3DS so it can connect to Wi-Fi, I should hear back within a day.
    You haven't played Majora's Mask, then why were you called Majora for a while? Also it's on the Wii (and Wii U maybe?) virtual console, but I'd personally wait for a remake which I fully expect.

    Daisy's voice is the reason I like her so much. I started playing as her in Double Dash since I'd just make her say "Hi, I'm Daisy!" over and over. She's been my character of choice ever since (except in Mario Kart DS where I use Dry Bones)
    Yeah, there definitely are N64 roms. There are definitely emulators for all Nintendo consoles up to the Wii, but I'm not sure if anyone's cracked the Wii U yet.

    Daisy is way better than Peach
    Theoretically yes but I moved into the dorm today and I haven't tested my 3DS' ability to connect to the college wifi yet (and I'm at a friend's house now so I can't). I'll check tomorrow and get back to you.
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