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  • Oooh, I see. And aside from that, I could definitely see Hawlucha getting one of those ridiculous pro wrestling finishing moves for a Final Smash. I could see it 619ing the shit out of Pit.
    That's awesome that you've finished school! I still have around 10 days. :x

    I'm going to an anime convention today! I'll be sure to take pictures.
    Well, I'm finally home, so here.

    Ooh, I didn't know about that. Not sure how that'd get to be within Greninja, though.
    There's one webcomic that noted something hilarious about what the tongue might bring forth; I should link you once I'm not on mobile.

    You mean, Tanooki suit-esque? Well, the actual Tanooki suit is going to be an item anyhow :P
    Plays, of course!

    Specifically, Harvey (which is about a guy and his imaginary six-foot-tall rabbit friend) and The Miser (which is Moliere! classic stuff.)
    done until august! i move back in on my birthday, actually...and have auditions. X_X
    I'm clumsy too, but i'm...okay at it I guess?

    It's just destressing, I guess.
    i can only imagine that scenario and it's actually fucking hilarious

    it is fun! ifyou're in a dance-major class then it can be a liiiiittle more stressful, but it should be fun.
    Oh, I can definitely see it playing a lot differently. For one thing, it's probably going to have a great lot of emphasis on speed.

    It would have.
    it is kinda weird if you think about it. which is why you're supposed to not.

    Greninja may not be my favorite Pokémon from Kalos or even my favorite starter from Kalos, but I don't think I could think of a better candidate for the Smash.

    (Except Hawlucha. But I'm biased.)
    It probably kicks in too little too late for a competitive battle, though.
    Maybe it's not for casual play, but metagaming is an entirely different beast.
    It's generally poking fun at the restrictiveness of the competitive circles. Which isn't something I usually like doing but the phrase is fun to pop, at least.
    I guess you could still enjoy the games where they're exclusively for finishers.

    Also, no items, no handicap, Fox only, Final Destination.
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