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  • It's not my first choice of instrument simply because my attention span is so short that I don't always want to get it out to play it when the piano is RIGHT THERE, but it is fun and I'm not half bad at it either, so yeah. I have to learn it for my major.
    Nah, it's fine. I figured it was along those lines anyway. Just wanted to make sure I can get my night action in before the end of time, and such.
    to be honest i don't really remember but it was something along the lines of "just talk to mom about the whole boys thing next time"

    honestly i DO get along better with them for the most part, it's just when i'm home for an extended period of time we start fighting
    i hope so too.

    that's about half the reason i don't like being home for long periods of time.

    (i mean i talked to my dad about it later so i feel SLIGHTLY better but still)
    Yay! But I don't want you to get in trouble! If you think you'll get caught then don't risk it, please! I would hate for you to get in trouble because if me again.
    Ah well you know, recessive genes and all that sort of stuff. I can't roll my tongue!
    p.s. You're cute!
    Thanks. I sort of feel like impaling myself in the nearest light post, but I think I'll manage.
    Well if you're a "pretty large dick", I suggest you work on that. People usually only like dicks in the literal sense, and sometimes not even then.
    Tell me about your girlfriend //wiggles eyebrows//
    I have my first final (of the sememster) tomorrow and I've barely studied fuck me with a notebook TT TT
    Thanks! And hey, respect your elders, ye whippersnapper. Youths these days. /shakes cane in the air
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