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    Meh I'll explain what's wrong later, I'm really worried about something else right now. Tomorrow I'm going to the mental hospital, and I won't have my phone or internet access the whole time, and I'll be there for at least a month so I won't be able to talk to Jakey or you and it really sucks and I'm going to miss you two so much :'(
    T'would be indeed. Nintendo's never been terribly renowned for their multiplayer experiences, though. It'd likely be a bit rocky. Probably worth it, though.
    still have a crush, i've just accepted that nothing will really come of it

    which is a shame, butttttttt...
    Ah, I'm doing a lot better than I was, so there's that ^^; How have you been?
    Yep, but in Ruby/Sapphire, Wallace is just the 8th gym leader. Never thought too much of him, honestly. He's just... There.
    *takes out projector*
    Allow me to tell you a thing.
    The school year is divided in two semesters: August-December, and January-May. From there, each semester is divided into two periods. If I have in A in the first and second period in a certain class, I don't take that class's December final; if I have A in the third and fourth period, I don't take that class's May final.
    Sorry for replying so late, but I just want to say thanks for your condolences, I really appreciate it. The whole situation still feels really surreal, and I can barely remember writing that post in the grr thread. It's weird.
    Of course I won't. As a matter of fact, I probably won't meet you. Ever.

    In my school, there's English, Spanish, Math, History, and Science. So five, too.
    WHAT. I didn't know he was in HGSS. I only ever played on my brother's copy of SS, and he ended up with a bootleg copy, so it only worked for about four gyms.

    His shtick is steel types. In Emerald he was just this absurdly powerful awesome suited man who helped you thwart villainy and stuff. Eventually you got to battle him. In Ruby/Sapphire he was significantly less powerful and was the Champion. I'm excited to see what he is in the reboot.

    He also gives you a Beldum yaaaaay
    I have not played mafia IRL, no.

    Johto and Hoenn are tied for my favorite regions. But Steven is one classy brotato.
    if it was my fwee thread one that was inspired by me whining about crushes before realizing that at the end of the day i'm actually glad the whole crush thing happened.
    Like we answered hours apart.

    You have a matesprit? Really? How long have you been together?

    I'm not taking the history final, probably not the English or Spanish or Math ones, and the Bio one... we'll see.
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