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  • H
    Ummm I never took a trigeometry class, but I've learned it a little. Why?
    It's a little scary still! But you just gotta get up there and OWN IT.

    I'm aware. I won't.

    (also did you see the thing that happened on monday nafglisgad)
    Well, I'm used to it by now! I've gotten a lot less self-conscious now, heh

    also what
    I sang, that's all!

    Basically you stand up on stage and you sing for your voice teacher, two others, the division head and the music department head.
    Yelling /is/ hard. I think that's the first time I've done it, and I don't fancy doing it again... At any rate, everything did end up sorting itself out, and I feel much better. c: Thanks for your concern~
    Well unluckily for them I was aware they were being sent, since my address book is terribly out of date and I got at least 25+ "Returned to Sender" emails XD My grandpa replied with, "Are you trying to tell that I look old?" I'm hoping he didn't click on the link. I have no idea where the link goes.
    I put "harder" in quotes because excel isn't really difficult. In reality it's just that making a poster/powerpoint is just really really easy. It's the kind of thing you give out as homework to a class of 11 year olds rather than a project for 16 year olds. People took the class because it was on computers so it would be easier to mess around and not do any work. I really hope one day the school system is changed so that IT class teaches you useful things instead of things you could probably pick up within a couple of days if you actually get a job that requires it.

    The wiimote uses bluetooth to connect to the wii, I think. The sensor bar isn't a sensor at all, it's just a couple of infrared lights. The actual sensor is in the remote. You should check out his other videos. The one that lets you see 3D images is pretty cool.
    I think there's someone else out there who used a similar concept to make a theremin out of a wii remote, too.
    It was just I.T.
    It was essentially a "how to use MS Office" class and we had two pieces of homework that counted towards our final grades. One was a choice between either a poster made in word/publisher, or a spreadsheet in excel. The second was either a powerpoint presentation or a website. Most people went with the poster and powerpoint but because I knew how and was bored I did the "harder" ones.

    I might be better than what most people are capable or but I'm worse than most people who actually post their art anywhere I'm sure! And I spend most of my time ctrl+zing.
    I intend to get a tablet or something one day. Since the laptop I'm on right now can detect wii remotes over bluetooth so I might have a go at doing this to save money.
    I wrote my website maybe in 2007/8? I'm not sure exactly when. I never even put it online. Although I suppose I technically did when I chose to write a website for a school project and I just replaces the Pokémon stuff with stuff that was relevant to school. It wasn't very impressive but I had menus that I thought were pretty cool looking.

    I've barely drawn ever :(
    That's why I'm so bad at it.
    do u have any idea how fuckin sad and excited i am

    sadxcited if u will
    please get on pesterchum this shit's about to get good.
    allow me to tell you a thing.

    Your DNA is composed of four nucleoids: adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine. There is another one, uracil, but I forgot where that one enters. Anyways, the first one combines with the second one, and the third with the fourth; I haven't checked to see if all the handles link up.
    How long have you been working on your website?

    Also, how long have you been drawing?
    I don't think mental capacities change really. The biggest challenge is motivation itself. It's easier to have it and keep it than try to change yourself.

    I'm not interested in making websites really since I don't really see the point. I don't have anything worthwhile to make a website about. That's why I just program software, it's more likely I'll need to write some software or other than it will be for me to need to make my own website.
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