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  • Was here for the mafia, but just barely.

    Gold was my first, but that was because my cousin didn't want it anymore and it just somehow ended up with me. Hoenn was the first one I actually decided on my own to get. And how I have missed my precioussssss
    H e y sorry I haven't been around much i've been dealing with Issues and just been really but I promise to try to be on!
    Yeah, a few times. Keeps happening. I changed it to be a tad more complex this time, so here's hoping.
    Things have been... I dunno, stuff is happening. That's about as good as it is bad. Still have a few things to work out as far as life is concerned, but all in all I should be coming clear of it all in a week or two.


    Bahahahaha yeah I know. If he brings it up I'm gonna be like "yeah um talk to any of my high school friends."

    There are kids here who have been doing it for longer.

    And yeah, heh. I mean the ONE time they were (because cabaret) I specifically forbade her from kicking him, but either way I don't think they actually met so it's okay.
    i don't remember much, since i was like twelve, but i'm sure i was nervous.

    my friend has wanted to kick him since like february for that reason. which is part of the reason i never want them to be in the same room.
    Okay, I'll try to help :) Are you in geometry it algebra 2 this year?

    And meh. Kinda terrible. But oh well. What about you?
    as part of the theater, you do so a lot

    no no no that IS andrew i'm talking about i just keep forgetting to say his name
    well it's the 21st century
    I understand where they're coming from
    fear of robot overlords and all that
    but technology makes our lives better. I am talking to you, in a remote hellhole in the south of hte US, while I am in a tropical island paradise that is absolutely overrun with bureaucracy bullshit, in a matter of seconds.
    Practice. Lots and lots of practice.

    Wellllll I'm constantly scared to do anything about my love life and I'm pretty sure he's trying to be subtle (which is clearly doing us tons of good)
    Being able to get up on stage and do your thing takes a LOT of getting used to, heh

    well uh. we had senior sendoff and i gave senior boy a hug and i after i let go he kinda

    left his arm there

    which was a thing. apparently a good thing.
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