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  • No, but it's very traditional for there to be stage hazards against which you can throw your opponent, either for an instant kill or to finish them off.
    You've just given me the greatest idea for a mafia game that I may run someday but I can't exactly tell you because you'll probably be in it.
    "One time I hit someone once, they fell of the stage, and that was it" is actually a pretty accurate description of Mortal Kombat, albeit for entirely different reasons.
    I swear I thought you had modkilled me or something.

    You wanna know if Superbird was innocent?
    WELL GUESS WHAT BASTARD so are you. Now die.
    Still, Soul Caliber sounds like an awesome shooting game. And I don't even like shooting games either.
    It began with everyone getting screamed at by a shadowy figure and then a massacre. It was wrong right from the start

    Soul Caliber? Is that another shooting game? :P And well, if it's anything like Epicmafia, I guess I could definitely enjoy it.

    Hahahahaha. (Note to stalkers: that's not necessarily how I would actually go about it in any upcoming situation, but props for finding it anyway if you did, I guess)
    Oh, I'm sure there'll be plenty of authority (and flame) to run from as soon as I post the endgame notes.

    Maybe not, all things now considered.

    I also tried to run a Mortal Kombat mafia game here once (it never got enough players though), but I didn't have /that/ much creativity for it :P And oh, I've never played IRC mafia, is it fun?

    I don't know.
    Maybe it's a little too much.
    Rather unpleasant.
    And it's quite burdensome already just to scumhunt.
    No guarantees on what happens if they get it wrong either.
    Don't even try to think about what would happen then.
    Ostensibly, I'm a better GM than that.
    Maybe I do pull a lot of crap that frustrates the players.
    I'm above that level of bastardry, though.
    Zone out the thought, even.
    I would never do it.
    Maybe it was me. I'm pretty sure some people in the thread think it was me. After all, at one point, they were trying to get me lynched.

    In other words, all shall be clear when I post the endgame notes. :P

    Yeah, I think it's come about after somebody ran a Mortal Kombat mafia game where the entire daypoll ran on a similar principle (the initial poll would be meant only to set apart two people who would then get their fight on while everybody else only votes).

    If there were a tie I'd break it the same way I would an ordinary tie in the daypoll. And much to the frustration of everyone else, I still don't have a set-in-stone way to go about doing that.
    One time I had to murder like half the player list. No evil can top that, you see.

    And speaking of the devil, yeah, all shall be clear eventually.

    The proper term for the role would be "Gladiator". It just activates when the person who has that role opts to activate it.
    Because there were no longer any positive outcomes left for me.

    Negrek choosing to do the thing last minute really screwed me over.
    "He was innocent and /so were you/. Jackass."

    Yeah, the discussion's been raging on for that long. And it wasn't even for a lack of votes cast, too.

    It's not something that hasn't ever been done in a game of mafia, but this is probably the first of it anyone's seeing on TCoD, so yes, you could say it's one of my things. Or, as folks from the game would put it, it's the thing.
    You're welcome. Resolving night actions can be pretty confusing sometimes (or maybe that's just because of the kind of game I tend to run, haha), so I definitely wouldn't blame you for not getting it right at first.

    And besides, it's kind of amusing to look at because now it just looks like VM ended up inviting karmic justice upon himself. :P

    Yeah, we're six pages in and still in day two. I've had to dole out two time extensions for the discussion, and then somebody used a day power literally in the last minute, which dictates yet another time extension. It's been interesting alright.
    It's just your first time GMing! Prime time to end up making a few mistakes, really. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it 100% sometime soon.

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