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  • Thanks:) It was harddddddddddddddddddddddddddd.

    I have a rather long resume of problems, lol. Guess I'm just playing life on hard mode.
    Umm, pretty good, I guess, lol.

    I've been cut-free for a month now, and I've been consistently eating, so yeah :)
    Thanks! I'm playing Bravely Default right now and I'm really enjoying it.
    Oh, he's from the Megaman series.
    i typically hate my writing but this one isn't so bad. especially for being written almost exclusively at 1 am
    I've got one full chapter and part of another. Probably most of that one, to be fair. Plus editing.
    Strictly, not really. Up to you whether it warrants a time extension or not, though.
    Oh! Sure!

    Short version: it's basicallythis but in Kanto and far more developed.

    I can give a long version if you would like?
    Thanks, youngster!

    ...that sounds wrong. You're only like 3 and a half years younger than me, and there are a bunch of people here who are already in college.
    What teach me your secrets my friends like to laugh at me whenever I try l m a o
    Well, Mucha Lucha is an animated series rathe than a live-action movie, so it can't be a complete ripoff, I guess :P
    No, not yet.

    I don't watch much anime, but the ones I do I tend to obsess over. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Gregory Horror Show, and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood are the only animes I've actually watched all of :x
    When it comes out, it should do with a soundbite from the Mucha Lucha opening.
    Oh, no, it's just referencing the area code for San Diego. Basically, it's a kick delivered by swinging oneself through the ring ropes.
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