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  • if you actually have that I would like that

    then why use 'are'?

    Why doesn't it count? yeah, I totally didn't see that thing about kissing in your convos with flora.

    it looks like a yorkshire terrier. How does jackal come in?
    I say a lot of douchey things too. And sometimes they're perfectly warranted!
    Huh. I'm around that.

    Yeah, but that's family. I have a tall uncle, too.

    I've never dated. And by implication, kissed.

    I want a bro so I can have someone to trade with that does not require an internet connection. someone to scam too

    Right. That doesn't make much sense.
    then tell them to stop. how tall are you anyways?

    i second that statement. that man looks like he will punch anyone who gets close to his daughter.

    it is culture. a friend of mine moved to massachusetts and started dating super fast. he left at the end of the 1st semester of 6th grade.

    love how you just diss your bro in a forum. good job. /sarcasm. bros are cool! they are boys and you can actually do cool stuff with them.
    You never know!

    Kids are a scary thought when you're still pretty much a kid.
    Why do you say that? Being tall is awesome.

    Why is that?

    I find the US culture to move too fast; your bro dated at 11. idk how people here would respond.
    Well, it's allowed me to memorize all the Pokémon ILS has caught in my zone, down to the color of the flower that Flabébé is sitting on.

    It's also why I don't use images.
    yes yes yes but i think this possibility is a little more realistic

    that's okay! someday you will find someone to smooch the brains out of~
    hey i'm trying to be realistic here there's still a possibility that i'm misreading the signals

    that is true but from my very limited experience with kissing i recall that it was quite nice
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