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  • Infinitive you should know (to run, to catch), normal time things as well (ran). Interestingly, in English there is no future form of a verb. It's usually will [verb]. In Spanish, future verbs often end in accented letters (á). Gerundio I think is -ing. Participio is participle iirc.
    There's infinitive (-ar,-er,-ir), gerundio (-ando, -endo, expresses something being done in real time), and participio (-ado, -ido, has an auxiliary verb). Then like standard time conjugations. If it doesn't go -ar, -er, -ir, it's irregular.
    I must admit that English has given us the best (and most) reading material thus far.

    Other way around. English is like Spanish.It's also much harder once you get to conjugations and such.
    well, I'm a born and raised Puerto Rican. Lived here my whole life. I am fluent in Spanish although I speak English with my closest friends.
    One of the nine-year-olds literally gives no shits about anything. Though he keeps trying to hump the two-year-old. Poor thing. His sister is kinda skittish because the other cats pick on her :(

    Four-year-old is scared of everything and only really comes out for food. She likes me though, I guess cause I feed the cats a lot. She lets me hold her sometimes :3

    Two-year-old is hyper as fuck man. The male one-year-old is pretty chill but he likes to go "brrrrrrOWR" instead of the typical meow. sometimes it's shortened to "brrrrrr." I don't get it. The girl one-year-old is fairly chill as well. Unless you find her a twist-tie.
    Good. We just mostly talked about naciones (un). I'm taking her to either Endless Love, Frozen Sing Along, or the Lego Movie. Whatever tickles her fancy.
    Nah. Left at 6. Today's my sister's birthday, so I went to the tennis courts b/c she had practice. We celebrated it with her friends there. It's 8 here now, just to put in perspective.
    Six! Two are nine-ish, one is four, one is two, and the other two are a year old
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