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  • wellllllll on saturday when he was randomly checking on me (which is greatly amusing for me because he went to ask and before i could answer he got momentarily distracted by someone saying hello and then went straight back to me) i put my head on his shoulder (which honestly probably made him concerned because he asked if i was sure i was alright. and then asked if i was drunk) and later jumped into my classmates being all "oh shut up andrew you're cute" and him being all "no i'm not" and i was all "oh shut up of course you are *hug*" but i'm honestly Not Sure what he thought about that

    and then on monday night i put my head on his shoulder a couple times but i think everyone missed the SS Obvious on that one because none of the two other people who were there at the time have said anything.
    oh not murdering ME (or not really murder really) she was just all "omg i want to kick this guy in the butt he's doing a bad job"
    My friend is about ready for murder because of it hahaha

    I might have to take that advice. I dunno though. (it made me laugh so hard though omg)
    ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nope.

    maybe i'm misinterpreting. i mean sure he definitely feels something vaguely affectionate (i mean, if you're trying to figure out if someone's okay, get interrupted and then go immediately back to worrying about them that definitely means something) but that could be anything. And that sentence right there is probably my self-esteem issues talking.

    Speaking of which, I think that might be his problem. Just an impression I got based on comments of his.
    The only thing I dislike about running a zone is how I have to do everything from my 3DS, which doesn't allow me to copy/paste.
    I'm going to various European countries in July; it's part of a trip my History professor organizes. My crush's going, too, but according to the list her bro and her *shivers* dad are coming. I've seen the guy. He's huge.

    what do you mean mature? you are never mature with your friends. that's why you're friends with them in the first place!
    I'm really interested in German and the Scandinavian/Slavic/whatevs languages. Random capitalization and bouncy pronunciation make them sound fun!

    English is just an everyday language for me, so I consider it slang.
    You should. Though I probably won't be opening any new areas for a little while. I want to get held items incorporated first.
    Mhm, I was thinking about increasing mine to 1/400. Then people can buy shiny charms to make it 1/200.
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