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  • I can barely draw a straight line dude.

    Back at home meaning "she goes to community college back where i'm from."

    It is good because it's been three years and nothing's gonna come out of that crush, man.
    Better than anything I could do!

    That Other Girl is a) back at home and b) less of a problem i think. also i think my cursh on her is slowly dying. finally. jeez
    I saw it on my phone at first but now that i'm on my laptop i must say that it looks amazing in full

    also what even IS that gif

    other things? other things are good.
    I dunno, man.

    Also he had to ask so he didn't necessARILY know I wasn't. Also IT IS REALLY ADORABLE

    (I also got the opportunity to say he was cute so MAYBE he got the hint)
    Drunk!rachel is NOT a thing yet.

    React to what? The sorta-failed flirting? He SEEMED receptive but lord only knows. Like I said he WAS glad I wasn't drunk because that was a bad situation for it.

    Also yes it WAS sweet oh gosh
    I really wasn't! I knew it would be a bad idea with so many people that I didn't know.

    He was glad I wasn't drunk though. Which is good because it's nice that even though he thinks drunk!rachel would be hilarious he at least knows where it wouldn't be a good idea. (Though he might've also been glad because that would've meant I was sorta hitting on him while sober which would certainly have been good for him.)

    Also I agree on the ship name.
    Oh no no no HE was sober, he briefly considered the possibility that I was drunk. Which I wasn't, I was just tired and any sense of self-preservation went out the window.

    Also like I said on tumblr his name is Andrew!
    You know how there are two types of behavior? There's instincts and learned behavior. Douchiness is learned, kindness is an instinct.
    Sometimes you don't think you did anything wrong, but you did something. Happened to me a couple times.

    What do you mean 'less like people'?
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