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  • Maybe she just hated everyone else. You never know.

    I don't like how the US culture treats extended family. It's like they're a necessary evil.

    Had a locker since fourth grade. hella.
    Oh, I thought you were. /headscratch

    ASBBBBBBBBBB!! Though I don't know how they're going to do the application for a body mod thing, now that it's mostly based on Zhorken's new site. Also, about that new site, I can't seem to buy any Pokemon on the beta (I bought a Glameow on the original database) ...trying results in an internal server error. Is this just my computer somehow or does it happen to you too?

    Also also. Happy week-early-fourteenth-birthday! (or six-days-early? Depends on which timezone you're in. :)
    anyways like i wrote in the fwee thread at the party after the whole thing with the cops went down i was trying to keep an eye on my roommate i hear a "hey, are you alright?" from my dear senior, who either a) heard that i'd been kinda panicking earlier or b) thought i looked sad or something (which definitely happened later cause he said so) and he was so sweet oh my goodness he checked on me a couple more times which was nice

    (also i...kiiiiiiiinda put my head on his shoulder? he didn't seem to mind but he also apparently thought i was drunk for a bit so god only knows there)
    Oh my gosh Qval, your birthday is soon, you're growing up ;w; it's weird thinking you're younger than me because I kinda act like you do and I'm older than you... so stoppit

    also guess what guess what

    THIS WAS A NO PANTS PARTY. (oh god that just sounds terrible) EVERYONE HAD TO WEAR SOMETHING THAT FIT THE DESCRIPTION "NOT PANTS." (aka like shorts or a dress or something.)
    Who's your ex again? I forget people when I don't know their names.

    I kind of read Anne Frank last year. We were reading the play in English, and the teacher had the book, so I asked her for it. I read most of it. Something interesting about my school is that we don't start moving to different classrooms for all of the classes until HS, unlike the US. All I know about your school system is that a) it sucks, like PR's, and b) whatever Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide taught me.
    That's because it's been forever since I was mildly active

    Flippin' tidy.
    It's not like this my dog is in terrible pain because we didn't take her to the vet on time sadness, but more like this dude was a good dude sadness. As to say, not as strong.

    oh shizzle.

    she'll probs be with her family. *facepalm* she has a brother in my sister's grade.
    He gave us our First Communion preparing things or whatever they're called (orientations?). Everyone loved him, he was a really great person.

    She also said I would be going in her car. /high fives back.
    I would politely like to point you towards Flora's profile, where I left a message I don't want to copy paste onto yours.
    Since that friend request from way back when somehow hasn't gone through I went ahead and sent you one

    ...i think

    ALSO ALSO ASB IS THE BEST THING EVER but I also haven't ASB'd ever before either, just trawled through the "complete asb battles" tag. but it looks fun and addictive and cool yea
    Sorry for the late reply, been feeling ill for the past few days.

    I think we agreed on gale wings Fletchinder for the Mawile? Unless you wanted to trade something different.
    It's not that I think I SHOULDN'T it's that i'm scared and i don't want to be wrong and i don't even know how i'd go about it argh
    It's sort of complicated to get him to talk whenever his name is in a line - you have to do this thing in Personality where you have supybot watch all messages (currently it doesn't; Personality just takes over the "invalid command" messages). I know of a couple of plugins that do this so I could probably figure it out, but I don't know how offhand.

    Replying when his name is at the end of a line is easy, though! Type "config supybot.reply.whenAddressedBy.nick.atEnd True" at him. This should cover most sentences that you'd want it to reply to, at least.

    And you can also make it reply to every single message whether it involves "Scorpion" or not. "config supybot.reply.whenNotAddressed True". It ends up being annoying, though.
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