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  • Then I'll charge for creation of the website, plus domain charges.

    I don't know what I'll make my website about, if I even make one. I don't have the time to maintain one anyways.

    ugh I got freakin Honduras in the Kamlari committee instead of getting the one with this senior who played the prince in r&j (she's a girl, but it's not the first time she cross acted). The committee is about the Grito de Lares, the closest thing PR has gotten to an independence revolution thing.
    Oh man I hope so, I'm so excited for it!

    ... not suspicious link to completely innocent thing
    Oh it's been so-so. Other than a weird depression that had me for like three days, I'm fine.

    School's getting fun. We've finally moved on to conte crayons.
    Agh god I was phrasing it wrong.

    I mean getting paid for making websites. I know a couple of people that would like one.
    I tried using it, but I have no time because school. I made a couple rudimentary pages on my grandparent's computer. I mean charge people for the making of the website. Butterfree answered me when I asked her in like, September.
    Now that she has a phone (sort of, no service but she can use wi-fi), I'll ask her if it's any easier to load the forums on that compared to her (now broken) tablet. If so then I'm sure you'll be able to talk to her more! But yeah, I'll tell her.
    I voted for In the Heights, but after voting I found out it was a love story. I want to do How to Succeed mow, though.

    Pidgeot, our Lord and Savior, would not approve.
    I AM AWAY!

    Well, we're choosing the musical. The three nominees are A Chorus Line, How to Succeed in Business Without Even Trying, and In the Heights. The collective group of members gives one point to the winning play, the directive gives two, and the director/teacher gives three.
    .. if it makes you feel better my boyfriend is the one who recommended those books to me and the last one made me cry for like twenty minutes straight but they're honestly really good books, imo
    I've waited long enough. I was going to ask her to be my jr prom date, but I wussed out. Now that I'm with her for a week and a little bit more, I can get close to her.
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