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  • I don't know, maybe United Nations if she joins the club in whatever school she'll go for...
    I just had an idea as to where she's going. She's probably leaving for this all-girls school (her brother to the only all-boys in the area, I imagine) since she told me she has some really good friends there. She told me she's better friends with the ones in that other school than the ones she's with ehre.
    I really don't know. That was something my friend overheard, but it's probably true. There are always people that go away and you don't notice they leave until you're all "where's x?" and then x isn't there.
    I made some valentine's for my friends which they really appreciated. I, in turn, got a couple beamers from two friends I made during my first years of junior honor/romeo and juliet, so I hastily made valentine's for them. I won one of the first places in my english poetry slam using a poem about reading (everyone had to make a catalog poem, whoever wanted could participate in it). We had a Biology double period, so we had a lab. I spent it with my crush, whom I gave an M&M's tube during math. We also crowned one of my friends King of Hearts, as part of the Heart royalty (this was an actual thing people voted for)

    Writing this, I realized the only reason school is fun is because of the people.
    Well, I did dig it up >:o

    I see. I wonder why it didn't work? o_O

    ... Whoops. You're welcome :P


    Not usually. If you're still on X10Hosting, it should according to this. You can check that list to see if your host is on it if it's some other host by now. I think Heroku is supposed to be good for Python, too?

    I don't mind if it's hacked if it just came to you that way. Tyranitar would be fine, too, though!

    Also woah Murkrow beat you to posting. So, yay, a post!
    So you'd say "I'm (not) interested in maths" but "Algebra is (not) my favourite kind of math" ?

    That reminds me...
    Do you say favourite or favorite?
    What do you mean by a specific subject? Isn't maths itself a subject?

    You don't have to do it in python, you can solve the problems in any language you like, including javascript!
    Hm, Smogon says "very few Pokemon can make good use of [Acid Armor]", so I'm not sure if it applies for Dragalge or not. But, try out Protect and also Leftovers! If you poison things, Protecting is awesome, because it makes them waste a turn taking poison damage. Plus, Protect is the best move in general. It lets you scout out what the enemy is planning to do.

    Writing updates would be a good use! I have no clue how people normally do auto-update systems. Well, I have some clues, but it seems like kind of a pain. It's a little difficult to get into Python web development, but you should give it a shot when you feel like you're far enough in Python! Learn Python the Hard Way has you start on this with with webpy. Also Flask looks really good, and like it's probably the most simple way to do websites. Also, hooray, supybot!

    You can check IVs at the Pokemon center in Kiloude! There's a guy in the top left. And I'd totally take a shiny Beldum if you're sure!

    You should post! :o You can write "I'm pulling up supybot on Tuesday!" as a post. Then on Tuesday I can give you a star as promised in the thread.
    Hooray! What did you do with one?

    Oh, that! Yeah bothering to get rid of all of the programs would be pointless if you already want to make a new one. I think you could delete them all in one fell swoop in the .conf, but you'd still have to go "wait which ones does it actually need to survive." Veekun uses lots of Python! Also, you could use it for lots of useful things! Like writing CSS and HTML automatically. Like, say, if you have a lot of paragraphs, you could automatically write them all in <p> tags. Or like displaying random kinds of data. Or... a game! Who knows. Also yeah, JavaScript is just for things on websites! You probably already know lots of examples. Java is for things like embedded webapps that will never ever load, Shimejis, and Minecraft! Also Java is supposed to be really difficult.

    Oh by the way Brython is a thing. it's a JavaScript script that lets you write Python on your website by pretending that it's JavaScript! It doesn't support all Python things, just some, but it's pretty neat.

    If you have anything on my list of Pokemon I don't have in my Pokedex, that'd work! Otherwise, anything is fine. Also huh, are you sure you're choosing the right tier? I use Belly Drum+Aqua Jet Azumarill all the time on Showdown.

    Also: Programming Club! It's my first thread in almost two years, hooray.
    Right! Two immunities, plus a Steel type, so it resists almost everything. And it learns Roost! Or you can go with Brave Bird if you feel a bit less like living. Also wait, why would you use both Circle Throw and Roar?

    How did your supybot end up "enormous"? Error logs? That's what makes mine huge. You can just delete the log if that's what it is. And okay! Feel free to VM me about it, or we could see if we could both exist on irc at the same time.

    They use this JavaScript framework that's really easy to work with where you can make images and games! So it's pretty good to start getting into the syntax without getting bogged down having to learn too much before you can do interesting things. Python's easier than JavaScript, but it also matters a lot which languages you can find the best help/tutorials for and which you're the most motivated to use, so JavaScript's a good option since you could do website stuff. (Python can do website stuff, but you really wouldn't want to try doing that until later.) By the way, you can't shorten JavaScript to "Java"; Java's a totally different language. It shortens to JS!

    Also speaking of your website it's looking pretty good! You've really learned a lot about making styles.

    And yep! Everything that's legal on Showdown can be done in-game! Except for like, hackmons, of course. Some things would be really difficult to get in-game but Marill's easy enough. I have some spare 4IV Belly Drum+Aqua Jet Marills with the right ability and nature if you want one.
    How about math/maths?

    Also I see you're learning Python (yes, I go through other people's visitor messages and you did say it on irc before so shh) - if you're up for a challenge you could try solving a few of the first problems on Project Euler. I say only the first few because after the first 20 or so it starts to be about being good at maths as well as programming.
    it's not melting up here. it's still snowing. i'm probably not gonna have class tomorrow.
    i'm an hour north at the moment! my college is by allentown.

    it says a total of eight to twelve? huh.
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