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  • School happened, that's what.

    Kinda sad. My fly on the wall for crush related matters told me that my crush is possibly moving away.
    I could trade-tradeback you one (would rather not test my luck cloning it yet) if you'd like, but I want to keep one around for the purpose of having a complete national dex on my bank.
    yes, using x and y.

    The reason unown are so valuable is that you have to go through 2 generations to get them -- there are none in gens 5 or 6, which makes getting them tedious. So as a result, I can pawn them off for electivire and porygon-z and aromatisse and other annoying trade evolutions.
    How about we both pick a pokémon we don't care about, and then I try to execute the glitch, and we see whose pokémon gets cloned.

    Completely off-topic: unowns are really really wanted among the community. You can trade them on the GTS and ask for basically anything. I'm trying it now asking for a latios. We'll see if that works.
    Thank you! I know that it apparently can't be done any way other than infared, but I felt like trying anyway. Just say when you're ready; we had a snow day today and I have nothing on my schedule.
    Hello! Since you're basically the closest available 3DS friend I can talk to, would you mind helping me experiment with wi-fi trade cloning at some point in the near future? Maybe later today, maybe this weekend or something, but would you?
    back in the day when things were more popular i posted a LOT more, haha. also i did some forum games i think?
    yeah, it's pretty cool. our university's semi official "write positive things about people that go/work here!! :D" facebook page is letting people use them as a valentine proxy (to send valentines anonymously) and that's sweet.
    thank you! and i'm glad you'll still be on tumblr :) (finish that picture)
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