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  • *grins like an idiot*

    You've perhaps seen my fwee thread thing, but she told me she's 100% going to the competition. There's also the fact that I've participated in three competitions, so I have more experience, therefore making me seem even better.
    Yeah, It was back from when I took a brief foray into spriting and stuff. I was terrible, really. But that was ok, and glad you like it! and yeah, that's a cool idea, I never thought of doing that.
    Paint, I believe. Just overlayed a punch of transparent shuppets over each other and then put a shiny one over the rest.
    Yeah, that was for the whole shuppet takeover thing here a while back (which I didn't really overall understand but made a cool avatar for. )
    Nope. Each host school fields committee ideas from its delegates, and only any related corporations participate. Delegations are then given out to each school. You can only pick from those.
    I completely forgot how to do that. It's either in Social Groups or User CP, I think.

    Well, you can ask for any delegation, but if someone more experienced wants it and it's an especially important delegation (ie US, Russia, or Cuba in a Cuban Missile Crisis committee), they usually give it to the more experienced person.
    That's the thing. I didn't notice when they posted the facebook message that said that we had to come by friday to pick our delegations. Anyways, they still haven't posted the briefings (general themes the committee will discuss, topic questions for the position paper), so I'm fine. I need to ask my crush asap and then ask the teacher slightly less asap.
    Well, you choose a delegation in a committee. You must make a position paper (essay where you explain what's your position), then you proceed to discuss the issues for a couple days. To avoid stuff getting stale, there are crises, which are situations that unexpectedly appear. Eventually, best delegations win stuff, be it oral recognition, written recognition (certificate), a small gavel, or the big gavel. Delegations are two each, btw.

    I blame it on the greeks.
    I have participated, but I didn't know that the reunion where people split the delegations was Friday, so I need to go personally go to the teacher, or the president of the club.

    you're telling me that's how they're not written
    I probably knew but that spelling seems wrong
    but yeah, spell it correctly.
    I have to plan it, or else I screw up. I need to talk to the teacher, though, so I can actually participate.

    Name it 'Pheobe' if girl, 'Pheonix' if boy, si'l vous plait.
    I actually have some semblance of a plan set up. I'm going to ask her to be my partner in United Nations (that entails getting her #), then ask her out if everything goes well. It's two whole days of being with her.

    Could you catch one of the Fletchinder in my Friend Safari? Just keep it safe for me, until I get my 3DS fixed/replaced.
    Are you still interested in that 3IV Mawile I offered to you a while ago? I almost forgot I had it sitting around. (Alternatively, I have a 4IV one)

    Also, I think I remember you mentioning you had access to chlorophyll Bulbasaur? I'd be interested in trading for that.
    Using my sciences, I have this. Y'know, instead of developing my other, more important written things.

    I present to you, my waste of time.
    "Can I change what my blog says after I receive an Ask? "Thank you! Your question has been received," is lame and mushy, weh."

    uh well you can probably totally jury-rig some nasty gross javascript to change it but like. not. easily?
    Yeah, we have phones. I have her on Facebook, too. My friend for her phone password on Valentine's Day (sneakily, of course), but I won't ask him for it.
    There was this one quinceañera where everyone in my class was invited, but I didn't go because I was tired.
    well I know she lives somewhere in the metropolitan area
    oh god I didn't finish the thought in that last vm
    We started talking in 8th grade, and our conversation rate per month has been slightly going up ever since then.
    Oh, you have an ASB account? Wanna battle if/when (hopefully when) the battle system's up? (also we can PS!, maybe. Time?)

    (we haven't vm'd in so long :o)

    ...also also happy (late) valentine's day. How was yours?
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