• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Lord of the Fireflies

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  • Hey, Blueberry(funny name), I've got a challenge set up. Accept? At the Challenge Board thread. I've got the profile up and eveything!
    Sorry, but I'm very busy getting ready for the B/W updates. I probably won't get around to looking at that until next week.
    I'll go read the rules then. I'll put a post in the challenge board afterwards, then.
    That's the way I was taught. Get over it. I don't mean for that to sound mean, btw. I'm saying you will have to get used to it, since that's mosttly how my family works. Don't take it personally, I'm still 9.
    ok, I'll go check example battles...what First Post? the battle rules from Negrek?
    Hi. Wanna battle? ASB, actually. Just give me a VM either way, to let me know. I'm guessing you're in the ASB. Anyway, thanks again for saving me.
    Phew. I'm working on a new banner shop. Already have a sprite shop. Oh, and check it out! We have cookies.
    insert cookie pic here
    Oh south park? They make fun of everything, even themselves {: I wouldn't worry too much, I just wanted to say, Canada sounds great!
    OK, edited it. So, I have to go to the Pokemon Registration thread then...thanks for saving me.
    Hi. Just saying hi. (I have a tendency to sneak into people's profiles and go HAI!) I'm apparently the youngest person on the TCoD forums.
    About your post in the "ideas?" thread I liek Squirtles posted, you implied there was something wrong about living in Canada? o_ó what would that be? (or did I just misunderstand that)
    so do you want it to have Cloud Nine or Air Lock? And if Blastoise wants Quaza to have Air Lock/Cloud Nine, I'm thinking Negrek might start something that allows you to change one of your pokemon's abilities to their DW ones.

    And hey, it's my shop. Constantly addressing what you would have done differently isn't helping you if you want to help me.
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