• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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  • Such a nice avvy you got there, its so adorable.

    Anyways, I got this idea. Do you want to have a triple trainer battle in the HSBC between you, me, and Absol?
    *Looks at your new social group*
    *Reads "Yeah! If you, too, are a fan of the amazingly amazing Rovio-produced game for your Apple product known as Angry Birds, join this group!"*
    *Looks at Kindle Fire (Amazon product)*
    *Has Angry Birds*
    Oooh! Your Munchlax egg is rocking towards the Rare Candies you left for it! Maybe it'll hatch soon!
    I never said anything about your banners.

    Also, that egg I gave you for your birthday is about to hatch!
    Maybe, I was kinda hoping to also have a wind and storm pony, but I guess I could leave sign-ups open for those two and begin the Roleplay now.
    Well, HUB plays it for aanother four or five times before the weekends over. XD

    I am going to wait until I get bored until I watch it.

    Can't wait until my MLP RP starts up. I have a grand story for it.
    So, umm, have you seen the latest MLP.

    Ihave it on my DVR so I could watch it later...
    ...If you swear to forever serve under Soupfish, send me a PM. After that, there will be no going back. What I will ask you do to, you will not be able to refuse.
    ... I totally forgot I didn't buy you anything yet. -_- I only have three dollars now; would you like me to ref something for you or have a coupon for something in my business (when I make enough money to open it)? Alternatively, I could make up the money and get you the exp. share later.
    You have been accepted into the RP. It shall start after we get more people.

    (and one question: Crystal is what type of pony?)
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