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  • You could submit it if you wanted to; I'd love a new submission, since I'm kinda dead.

    I see you play Guitar Hero a lot? Same here.
    Yes, but he's making a series of individual, personalised ones for each person. While still kicking ass 28 hours a day.
    Only because he probably has something much worse planned and has been spending all that time trying to come up with it.

    Chuck Norris is simply an internet euphemism for Tyrell Badd. People have been saying Chuck Norris all this time because they're afraid to use Badd's real name. For this, they were death-stared until they exploded from pure awesome. On average this took 0.00000000001 seconds per victim.
    Ah, right.
    I've never played Guitar Hero myself. Only Rock Band, and I usually play the bass there.

    I'm fairly certain I still have some things I want from the Frontier, but those can wait until I get my sanity back.
    GH5...? Sorry, I'm not good with abbreviations.

    On the other hand, fff I finally got enough BP for Toxic and Energy Ball! Jesus, I don't think I'll be playing in the Battle Factory for some time now.
    That's true, though the Ekans would call him a foolishly foolish fool, fooling foolishly like the foolishest of foolish fools.
    Lang is a Poochyena you big silly. But point taken.

    But everything would be fine as long as it's not Kay and Yew.
    Well, the Yatagarasu's theme is called "The Gentleman Thief Who Dances in the Night" or something to that effect. Maybe Badd is the one who gave the Yatagarasu that reputation.

    I vote that it does. And he was killed by a Pokémon not currently existent in ASB on the orders of my Seedot. Also, your Snorunt is my Sneasel's unofficial uncle.
    Yeah, but Rest full-heals. Say I'll be at 10% health; I'll heal 90%, which means I'll have to expend 45% energy. Wish, on the other hand, heals 50%, so I'll only expend 25%.
    That's true. 2 SDs plus Ice Shard would do about 11% by my calculations; with Leech Seed factored in Eledancia'd be screwed. Speaking of Leech Seed, how much damage is it doing per action? Or per round, if you calculate the damage at the end of the round?
    Ah, but I was never planning on Rest. It takes far too much energy, and there are limited Chills, after all. I'm looking for an opportunity to Wish.
    Really? I rarely see legendaries on the 5th streak. Usually I get them on the 6th.
    Then, it had Stone Edge, Earthquake, Mirror Coat, and Seed Bomb. Not a bad set.

    Water Pulse will only do 5% damage coming from a Snover, which I can shrug off. If I just did the Protect ~ Shadow Sneak ~ Protect thing, then I'd have barely any energy left and I'd be screwed next round. This is about the best position I can get (though I'll probably die anyway).
    I'll give you that I forgot about Grasswhistle, though. :P
    ...Phalanx? :D
    Don't worry, I tend to die around the 6th streak, too. What was the Cradily's moveset, though?

    Really? Do tell. The main point of my commands was to restore energy while making sure I don't get KO'd, so I can perform some evasive maneuvers and heal next round.
    I can't think of any held item that'd reduce the impact of Dragon Claw. And I'm not sure if defense/HP investments would've made that much of a difference - I'd check, but it's getting late.

    On the contrary, I hate it when that happens. For some reason I seem to gravitate towards special sweepers, so they still can't do much to that Shuckle while it Stone Edges and Bug Bites everything to death.
    Huh. I did a quick calculation, and it seems that a +1 Dragon Claw from a Salamence with no EVs and perfect IVs would do about 41% damage to a Slaking.

    Yeah, it's very luck-based, what with the difference between a good rental and a bad rental. I remember that time I attempted to go through the Factory with that Power Trick Shuckle. It didn't work.
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