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  • Well, then you're not as evil as your first impressions lead me to believe. :P

    ...Watrly. I totally forgot about my Ralt's speed decreases OTL But hey, it works out for me in the end! Yeah!
    The RNG gods are fickle, aren't they?
    Which reverse psychology?

    (I mean it probably is used because why the hell else would you open it but who would joke about having GS1 and never playing it? (JFA, I could understand.))
    "opened but still Brand New never used"

    That is from the item description of a copy of PW:AA on Amazon. It might just be the most depressing thing I have ever read.
    Oh yes, that is a pretty awesome moment.

    Hopefully the judge decides he's too awesome to go to jail and he unretires in time for AAI2.
    Frankly I'm surprised people dare to shoot at Badd considering he can vaporise you in seconds with waves of pure awesome.

    (Also when he gives Edgey the videotape and Quercus Alba's card and says "lol i has evidence for joo" or whatever, and takes his lollipop out of his mouth while he says it, I keep thinking he means the lollipop.)
    Then again, Badd does say in 5-4 that he kept his coat to remind him of that one gunfight. So he could have thrown out dozens of bullethole-ridden coats before he reached his current one.
    Yes, but Badd is more than twice as old as Lang and hence more experienced in being shot a hell of a lot. I'm sure when Badd was in his late twenties all he did was get shot in the leg by accident when wrestling hostages out of his subordinates' arms and subduing them (the subordinates, that is), and worked his way up to entire gunfights.
    True. Though it does show he has a Badd-like proficiency at taking bullets and not even giving a shit.
    i c

    Also you seem to have missed the fact that Badd shot Lang in the leg and Lang didn't even give a tiny rat's ass. So it may not be quite that close.
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