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  • The Leech Seeds don't bother me as much as other things do, actually. It's more of a bonus that they come off, you know? But regardless, I'll probably have to remove them sometime.

    I've rarely seen RNG being referred to as "Random Number God", actually. And I've never heard people say PIN number and ATM machine. Redundant and more difficult to say - people over here tend to be rather short. :V
    Does this mean I'll be screwed over this round?

    But actually, I've always thought of RNG as the abbreviated version of random number generator. ...Unless you're joking (I'm very slow), in which case ignore these two sentences.
    Well, I'm praying to the RNG gods that you don't change your mind. But I do recall you saying that you don't see why normal-typed attacks get anti-STAB in one of your mock reffings.
    But I'm a lazy American!

    ...I'd rather leave you to add the holes. EVEN BETTER: have it so each battle, you add a hole to the jacket!
    If I recall correctly, you don't apply anti-STAB for normal-type moves, correct? Meaning that a Double-Edge from a Ralts would do 11% damage?
    Almost my entire team is weak to Electric. The only ones that weren't (before I leveled up and changed my team) were my Zapdos and Scizor. Now it's my Scizor, Latios, and Mismagius. :3
    Lucky dog! I had to use an AR to get 900 Rare Candies so I could beat him.

    Total Rare Candies accumulated from AR: 2,700+
    Pfft. Kay already snuck in and stole it before she was even sent out.

    It'll be in the next issue of every major newspaper, on the front page just under "Dusky Bridge Burns Down Oh God the Humanity" and "Miles Edgeworth Claims People Can Fly, Loses Marbles".
    And I'll become a hob- er I mean silly Kay why does she have to be paralysed so much it's silly to be paralysed for so long and then get more paralysed.
    And I'll go around solv- er winning cas- er, battles and becoming suddenly incredibly bitter every time your name is mentioned until the fifth battle, where in fact I need to convi- er, defeat my own clien- er, Pokémon and win the tri- er, battle at the same time, and you appear and help while also being on completely the opposite team.
    But when you lose your record to a spiky-headed rookie, you'll reflect on your career and learn what being a lawy- er, trainer is really about.
    Maybe so.
    I have one that's been abandoned that I'm definitely losing because Linooney and Dwagie are ganging up on me.
    Sadly, it seems not.
    Hell, I still have a Christmas-themed battle that's not even a third finished.
    Now you mention it, it has. Probably because this is a busy time of year for most people with school-related stuff. *shrug*
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